• Life

    A #GiftToFamily

    2016, well it’s been a funny old year hasn’t it? For me it’s been both amazing and tiring. I’ve had a lot of family hardships mainly around my sister and her mental health. This is my little sister with her little boy. She’s two years, 4 months and 1 day younger than me. Growing up we did not get on, mainly because she was the baby and my mum made a lot of excuses for her. I hated being the eldest. Things changed when we hit our teenage years, she became gorgeous and I was a bit jealous and i’m fairly sure she resented me because I was the eldest.…

  • Food,  Life

    Berwick Food & Beer Festival 2016

    Back in 2014 I blogged about our local Food & Beer festival, however last year I was way too sick to take photos. This year though I made a concious effort, even just to have a note of it on the blog. Berwick’s Food & Beer Festival is possibly our families favourite local event of the year so by last Saturday we were hyped. Sadly the forecast wasn’t the best but armed with umbrellas and raincoats we headed over for an afternoon of good food and drink. One of my favourite things about the festival is the number of food stalls there are. I always try and save some money…

  • Life

    Christmas Day 2015

    I’m sitting her still in shock that Christmas has been and gone for another year! All that planning and pre goes into one day, in what my mum claims to be the fastest day of the year, and I completely agree. I’d say I’m still recovering! My lounge looks like the Disney Store threw up in it but Little Miss is happily playing with her Doc Mobile Clinic and her Merida Bow & Arrows set as I write this. And hey, it’s only a month until I get to do it all again when she has her birthday! Because I’m not ready to give up on all things Christmas just…

  • Life

    Christmas Eve 2015

    So I did it! I celebrated Blogmas 2015 with 24 Christmas related posts! Today is Christmas Eve and for me it’s one of the busiest days of the year. We’ve had cookies to bake, cleaning to do, then we spend the afternoon at my parent’s where I wrapped all my dad’s gifts and my sister’s gifts because like father like daughter they had left everything to Christmas eve. We also had our traditional Christmas disco and Chinease feast, something we started since the kids came along. I’ve also baked two cakes for dessert. Lets not forget the fact we also have all Little Miss Christmas eve traditions.. we had her…

  • Life

    Our Local Christmas Market

    Today was the day of our local Christmas Market. I always try to support it but it really is nothing compared to the ones in the cities (which I really miss visiting). However after the family drama yesterday it was so nice for LM and I to get some time ourselves with my parents and LM truly enjoyed the attention from Nanny and Grandad. We were all wrapped up due to it being so cold but we spent a couple of hours enjoying the stalls and LM met Santa Claus again. I took my camera in hopes of getting some good photos but my fingers were numb after 10 minutes!…

  • Life

    A Christmas Night in with Primula

    I know Christmas is supposed to be the season for the whole “Party Up” kinda thing (if you’ve ever been to Magic Kingdom and watched Move It Shake It you’ll have just got that reference and I hope you smiled). But as a single mother with no friends in my home town, it means I actually do no partying at all. In fact, I don’t remember the last time I had a night on the town.. how sad? But just because I’m stuck in doesn’t mean I can’t kick back, relax and feel the Christmas vibes. In fact, now that Little Miss is a little person rather than a baby,…