Our Local Christmas Market
Today was the day of our local Christmas Market. I always try to support it but it really is nothing compared to the ones in the cities (which I really miss visiting). However after the family drama yesterday it was so nice for LM and I to get some time ourselves with my parents and LM truly enjoyed the attention from Nanny and Grandad. We were all wrapped up due to it being so cold but we spent a couple of hours enjoying the stalls and LM met Santa Claus again. I took my camera in hopes of getting some good photos but my fingers were numb after 10 minutes! I did manage to get a few from the start of the afternoon though and it was a lovely way to spend the day.
Taking Little Miss out is always a complete honour as she is such a well behaved child. We bumped into family members and LM was quick to dole out hugs to everyone. I wish my phone hadn’t shut down due to the cold because she did some fab dancing to the music in the street. She is really what makes Christmas for me!