Christmas Eve 2015
So I did it! I celebrated Blogmas 2015 with 24 Christmas related posts! Today is Christmas Eve and for me it’s one of the busiest days of the year. We’ve had cookies to bake, cleaning to do, then we spend the afternoon at my parent’s where I wrapped all my dad’s gifts and my sister’s gifts because like father like daughter they had left everything to Christmas eve. We also had our traditional Christmas disco and Chinease feast, something we started since the kids came along. I’ve also baked two cakes for dessert. Lets not forget the fact we also have all Little Miss Christmas eve traditions.. we had her Christmas eve box, and then between the cookies, her taking a bath followed by putting out her snacks for Santa Claus, her reindeer food on the door step and finally hanging her stocking. As a mother, my night doesn’t end there.. I had a bath, then I had to play “Santa Claus” and finally I got to sit down with wine, cheese and crackers before an early night. But it’s magical. My mum always says Christmas eve is her favourite day of the year, and as LM gets older, the more I’m beginning to feel the same way.
Here are some of the photos I managed to take through out the day. I apologise that my last two blogmas entries have been mainly photos, but I think they describe our day much better than any words I could come up with.
The blog will be now be on a brief hiatus until after Boxing Day at least so I can enjoy the festivities with Little Miss. I hope you all have a wonderful time. Thank you for sticking with Cocktails and Teacups over the last year and I can’t wait to bring you better content in 2016!