Why is Friendship Important Before a Relationship?*
Friendship refers to the close relationship between two people who do not depend on each other for making decisions, while a relationship is a way in which two people are connected. While friendships do not take a long time to develop, relationships can take quite a while. Intimacy is an emotional connection you feel with someone, and it makes the difference between a friend and an acquaintance. You should note that love and affection share this intimacy. Friendship is the first thing you need, and it is very important when it comes to developing a relationship for the following reasons. Credit Getting to Know the Other Person A relationship is…
Have You Heard of the Alder Hey Running Hub?*
As a parent, one of my biggest fears is that my child could get sick. Of course all children get sick once in a while, but i’m talking hospital stay, life threatening illness. It terrifies me, causes many sleepless nights and makes me paranoid. The only saving grace is knowing there are amazing hospitals out there who take care of children, like Alder Hey in Liverpool. Though the tireless efforts of the staff at Alder Hey, children are looked after and many lives saved. They’re the real heroes of this world. Not only is a long stay in hospital hard for parents, it can be extremely distressing to the children…
The Restored, Trialling The Complete Multivitamin & Essential Minerals Supplements*
Back in June I shared a post about The Restored, which is a new well being concept. My post explored why I’m taking better care of my body in an effort to improve my health wellbeing and I explained where The Restored and their Health Quiz came into that. As a Quick Recap As I mentioned above The Restored is a new well being concept that helps you use simple building blocks and lifestyle changes to improve your body and mind. They want you saying “that feels better”. Their philosophy is that everyone should feel good inside and out, and that shouldn’t be hard to maintain even with a busy…
Things to Look For in a School If You’re a British Expat*
Moving abroad be it for work, or simply a life choice, is both an exciting and terrifying experience. More so if you have kids. Although you could be moving abroad to give them a better life in the long run, there is a lot of things to consider and worry about. Will they be happy being so far from extended family? What about their schooling? Especially if you’re in a country where English isn’t the first language spoken. Today I’m putting together a little list of things to look for in a school if you’re a British Expat. It’s important that your child gets an education that translates to a…
Why Private School Might Be Best For Your Child*
As a parent I always knew that I wanted my child to get the best education. A good education can set you up for life, it gives your child the skills to survive in the world, it teaches them about the world around them and will eventually set them up for their working career. Unfortunately these days, a lot of schools are falling below recommended standards and for me, that’s worrying. If you’re already considering sending your child to a private school like Claremont School, here are some reasons why it might be the best decision you make as a parent. Credit Your Child Might Be Skilled Enough to Receive…
5 Autumn Date Ideas*
As a singleton, I always feel the urge to look for someone to settle down with once the Autumn weather rolls in. I don’t know if it’s because it’s cold outside and it makes me want to snuggle with someone or if it’s because Christmas is just around the corner, which to me is way more “couple-y” than Valentines Day. Not only that, but I look my best in a chunky knit, denim pinafore and a beret. Why wouldn’t I want to show that off? Whether you’re in a relationship or a single pringle like myself, Autumn dates are some of the best you can have. The weather is chilly…