Hello Four!
As I mentioned in my post on Wednesday, Little Miss turned four this week, on Thursday actually. I cannot believe my baby is now a big girl four year old, I keep having to say it out loud to make it feel real! We had a really lovely day, just family and even my dad had managed to get the day off which is something that never happens during the week. When I was putting Little Miss to be that night she told me that it was her “best day ever” and that’s a lot coming from someone who regularly spends time in the most magical places on Earth! At heart LM is all about family, being with the people she knows loves her, and she was really happy just to have her Grandad there (she hero worships him and has him wrapped around her little finger).
In the morning it was just the two of us, she had her presents wrapped in Big Hero 6 paper, balloons and bunting. She had told me months ago she wanted a Big Hero 6 birthday so with what little supplies I could find, I tried my best. She received someone lovely gifts, her main present from me was a castle I bought second hand with all new figure sets from The Disney Store. I also picked up as much Big Hero 6 merch as I could find, including a medium Baymax Tsum Tsum, a few jigsaws and books, a Baymax dress & a Hiro dress from Closet Geek and a full Honey Lemon outfit. She also got her school bag and lunch bag for school in September (noooooo!). From Bee she also received a BEAUTIFUL Lottie dress. Lottie is one of her all time favourite Disney characters (because she’s so into pink just like LM). She spent all morning playing with her new castle.
At lunch my dad picked us up and we went to Mcdonalds to meet my sister and nephew. Grandad’s treat. It was so nice and the kids were so well behaved. Then LM had to spend 3 hours at nursey, and she was so excited that her best friends were also in today (including her latest boyfriend, a little boy called Luca). Apparently they all sang happy birthday and she got a Charlie & Lola book as a present! While she was there we decorated my parent’s house with banners and balloons, including a giant BB-8 Grandad bought her. We also had to get a party tea ready with the Baymax cake I made (that had marshmallow fluff filling, we can be best friends if you understand why) and Big Hero 6 hats & plates. My sister nipped along to collect her at 4pm.
She received some amazing presents from my parents and sister, including her very own BB-8! She also got an Aurora Animator Doll with pram, some Star Wars books from the Little Golden Book range, a Merida plush doll and Rapunzel figure set for her castle, as well as new clothes. Of course BB-8 came out top, I recorded her reaction and will be putting it on Instagram at some point because it’s adorable. We all gathered in the kitchen for her party tea, followed by the traditional blowing out the candle. She had a little time to play with her new pram before we headed up home, where LM and I played with BB-8 until bedtime.
As usual, LM was so grateful for everything she received and the fuss everyone made of her. She didn’t get over excited or silly and it really made for an enjoyable day. I found her birthday more overwhelming and emotional. I think I cried on and off all day, especially when people posted beautiful messages about her on Instagram. She is so blessed to have so many people in her life that love her. And I’m so blessed to have her as my daughter.
So here are some photos I took throughout the day, because lets face it, a picture is worth 1000 words!

One Comment
Wow she’s one lucky girl! She’s so full of personality and it comes across so well in photos becase of the bog between you two, it’ special and unique xx