Things to Look For in a School If You’re a British Expat*
Moving abroad be it for work, or simply a life choice, is both an exciting and terrifying experience. More so if you have kids. Although you could be moving abroad to give them a better life in the long run, there is a lot of things to consider and worry about. Will they be happy being so far from extended family? What about their schooling? Especially if you’re in a country where English isn’t the first language spoken.
Today I’m putting together a little list of things to look for in a school if you’re a British Expat. It’s important that your child gets an education that translates to a similar one in the UK should they decide to return to study at a higher level, or even to get a job. So be sure to do your research.
Does it have Accreditation as an International School?
Many places around the world have special International Schools in their cities. These are for children moving to the country from somewhere else. Places that are popular with UK expats such as France, China, Germany and Spain will have schools where a lot of their teaching staff speak English as their first language, for example The International School of Andalucia. They’ll also have teachers that speak the native country language which will help your child fit in to the new world around them. If your school of choice has accreditation the curriculum will be one that can be transferred and the qualification at the end of their schooling will be recognised world wide.
What Is The Atmosphere Like?
It can be hard for some children to adapt to a move abroad so when you visit the school try to feel out the atmosphere. A welcoming atmosphere with happy children and happy teaching staff is a good indication on whether or not your child will be happy here. As a parent you know your child better than anyone else and on a visit at the school you’ll be able to tell whether your child will settle into their new environment. Ask your child to talk to some of the other students here to find out what classes are like. You’ll find in Europe school days are a lot longer than the ones kids in the UK are used to so your child needs to feel safe and comfortable to get used to that.
What Is The Culture Of The School?
Do they embrace religious holidays? A lot of UK schools no longer observe religious holidays unless it’s a school holiday. If the school observes a different religion to the one you practice as a family you need to decide how important it is for your child to explore something new, if you’d rather they didn’t, is there an option to opt out? Does the school have long standing traditions and will they value your cultural preferences? When you move to a new country you need to research cultural norms and be respectful of them but it’s also important to decide whether or not you need a school to be respectful of your own culture too.
Picking a new school for your child is difficult in your home country, but it can be even more of a minefield if you’re emigrating. Be sure you’re aware of your child’s and personal needs as well as embracing the new environment.