Insta-Month November
The highlights were… Spending time with friends, I had one friend to stay with me Monday – Thursday at the start of the month, we had a lovely day in Newcastle with Little Miss. Then I met another couple of friends who were visiting from Canada, we had a great day in York and Little Miss was so well behaved even if it was insanely exhausting. Seeing Catching Fire with my sister, it was such a nice treat as neither of us get to go to the cinema much. Spending the day with my Dad, sister and nephew while my mum went on the drink in Edinburgh with her friends. Putting my tree up on the 25th, starting a new tradition for Little Miss and me. The birth of my cousin’s son Mackenzie, he’s adorable. And of course, another Murder Mystery that’s currently going on right now!
Some things I have been loving…Disney songs on Spotify, I even had them on when I put up my tree. Everywhere becoming Christmassy. Little Miss sleeping in her big bed so well. Making soup and having gravy with everything because it’s been so cold. Watching Once Upon a Time & Once Upon a Time in Wonderland on my iPad.
My favourite purchase.. All my Christmas shopping, I’m so pleased with all the gifts I’ve been buying for people.
Biggest regrets have been…Missing ANOTHER blogger meet due to lack of babysitter. Falling slightly off the mental health band wagon.
Next month I hope… Everything I’m excited for comes off without a hitch. I NEED to have a good end to 2013.
Next month I’m looking forward to… CHRISTMAS! I mean, who isn’t?! Seeing The Hobbit; Desolation of Smaug with my Dad. My friend visiting from the US and going to Edinburgh to be tourists. Another Murder Mystery! Seeing all three of my best friends in one weekend, NEXT weekend, so excited!
I can’t believe tomorrow is the 1st of December! Officially Christmas month! I have so much to look forward to, I just hope it all goes off without any problems! I’m looking forward to being busy in hope it helps me sleep a bit better.
How was your November?

One Comment
Hayley Warren
You’ve managed to do a lot of good things over the month, I’m jealous!
My November was horrendous, stupid work stress.