Usher in the Holiday Spirit at Knott’s Berry Farm*
Knott’s Berry Farm is one of the most iconic theme parks in America. So you’d it would be bigger news that they’re changing their name… Well, ok, it’s just a temporary change. And a well-earned one at that. Every holiday season, Knott’s Berry Farm turns into Knott’s Merry Farm throughout December. You can get in on all the holiday fun on your next visit to Anaheim, CA. You won’t be disappointed by the sheer number of things you can do throughout the holiday season. It’s guaranteed fun for the whole family! Credit Dates and Attractions for the Merry Event The unique celebration runs throughout December and up to January 5th.…
How Long Should You Live in a Home Before Selling?*
It can be tough trying to decide whether or not it’s a good time to sell your house, especially if you already know your current home isn’t one you plan to stay in forever. According to the National Association of Realtors, the average person lives around nine years in their home before putting it on the market. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to wait that long. These clues can help you decide how long you should live in your home and whether now is the right time to sell. Credit You’ve Been in Your House At Least 5 Years If you’re getting that itch to move…
5 Things to Do If You’re Visiting Edinburgh on a Budget*
As I’ve mentioned many times before, Edinburgh is one of my absolute favourite cities in the country, actually in the world and I’m so lucky that it’s my nearest city. It’s the one I go to when I need to go clothes shopping, or to the cinema. It’s popular for nights out, special weekends away and if you want to enjoy anything remotely historical or involving the arts. I also like because it’s not a huge city. You can explore it all as a tourist within a couple of days and feel like you’d seen enough to get a good taste. I was asked by Megabus to share some of…
Important Things to Think About When Going Self Employed*
I feel like it’s about time I reflect on a few things I didn’t even realise I needed to think about before going self employed. It’s definitely a lot harder than I first thought it would be and I have found myself tossing and turning at night trying to make ends meet. I’m so blessed I have a brilliant support system where my mum and dad can help me out should I fall short at all. As I’m a single mother I do only work part time so I can be there for my daughter as for me that’s the most important thing in my life however some weeks I…
Enhance Your Natural Beauty WITHOUT Going Under The Knife*
Living in the Western world, it is easy to feel pressure to adhere to a certain ideal of beauty. We see images every day in magazines which are pretty much unachievable, yet in the same magazine read a feature on how we should love ourselves just the way we are. It’s all a bit confusing and offers us quite a conflicting message, to say the least. But practising self love can be especially difficult if you are painfully self-conscious about a certain part of your appearance. Confidence is the real key to looking radiant and glowing – so dealing with something that knocks your confidence can be hard. It is…
Taking Care of Your Hair When You’re a Busy Mum*
One of the things that can take a backseat to your other priorities once you become a mother is your self-care routine, particularly your hair care. What used to be your pride and joy when you were single now becomes neglected and a mere shadow of its former well-maintained self. How can we keep the love alive when it comes to our relationship with our locks? The following are some practical and effective tips for busy mothers like you: Wash your hair on a less frequent basis. When you were younger, you were probably taught by your mother to wash your hair often if you wanted beautiful hair. In short,…