Packing for Paris – My Wash Bag & Make Up Bag
Hello again! Yes I’m still in Paris, this is another scheduled special and once again it’s what’s in another of my bags! This time it’s my wash bag AND my make up bag. You can tell i’m really scraping the barrel here but I wanted to do a different sort of set of posts that aren’t reviews or recipes. I did decide to combine these two into one post as this is my third what i’m taking with me post and I’m worried you’ll all be bored now. You do have all my “what I did in Paris” posts to look forward to, I can feel already there is probably going to be a fair few and i’m only going for three days! Imagine the amount of posts I’ll have after i’ve been to America next year, at the moment i’m negotiating for ten days so that’ll be a lot of blogging material.
Anyway, back to Paris. I’d like to say my obsession with packing everything including the kitchen sink started when I had my daughter, as i’m sure other mothers will agree that you do have to be able to pack everything for all case scenarios, but it didn’t. I’ve always over packed. When I was saving to go backpacking (before I fell pregnant) I used to worry about not being able to pack as much as I usually take as I’d only have.. well a backpack. I like to be prepared but thankfully i’ve inherited the family trait of being bloody good with tetris (also known as packing as much as possible into a small space, great for pushchair, car boots and suitcases). So even though my make up bag and wash bag are pretty much full to bursting, they still fit in my case with plenty of room for clothes, especially as I mentioned the other day, I’m attempting to make the rolling technique work.
Before anyone has a dig, for me personally, this is all necessary because I’m vain. So there. First up, my wash bag.
My wash bag itself has been all over the shop with me, not just in this country but it’s also been to Greece once and the US twice.. I received it years ago in one of those Boots Christmas sets, I think it was Toni & Guy. It’s the perfect size for pretty much all trips I go on and I also use it for swimming trips. It’s waterproof inside so if anything leaked it wouldn’t ruin the pretty outside. The cotton pads in the Biotherm bag will actually be inside sandwich bags as Alice gave me a fantastic tip to soak my pads in micellar water to save taking the whole bottle. I plan to also do this with my toner. I usually use micellar water to remove the make up then cleanser and finally tone. This is where my handy pack of REN minis come in. They were a free gift with In Style and i’m so pleased that they’re suitable for sensitive skin! Can’t wait to try them when i’m away.
For in the shower I have my mini James Brown Colour Enhance shampoo & condition which from my hair routine post you’ll know are my favourite, these were reduced to 99p each in Boots, along with the Soap and Glory’s Clean On Me. I love with shops reduce their mini bottles because they believe no one will be buying them in the winter! Hey, some of us still go on holiday then! I’m also taking my razor because I’m too broke for a decent wax, all my spare cash is going on Christmas shopping when I get back. And because I’m taking my razor, I need my Body Shop body butter to soothe my legs. This mini tub I got last Christmas in a set from my Dad.
As for styling my hair goes, I’m not taking my GHDs because a) they’re expensive and b) they’re heavy so I bought these mini ones for £5 in Home Bargains so I can at least straighten my fringe. When I won Katie’s blog giveaway I received a small bottle of Hask Argan Oil which will save me taking my big bottle of Miracle Worker. I’m taking my mini Bumble & Bumble thickening hairspray that I got free in Elle, I love this stuff. I spray it on my fringe to keep it straight before letting it dry. I used some of my Boots points to treat myself to the Bumble & Bumble salt spray in miniature form as i’ve been after it since the summer. I figured I can spray it on and let my hair dry into a nice natural wave, fingers crossed anyway. I’m also taking my mini paddle brush, some kirby grips and hair baubles. All from H&M at the weekend.
Finally, stuff I can’t live without.. deodorant, which is a given. Toothpaste and toothbrush. I’ve gone for one that’s both paste and mouthwash to save on space. And I’m also packing painkillers in case we have one too many cocktails somewhere and plasters, knowing my luck my shoes will blooming rub. Nothing worse than blisters when you’re running around a new city, desperately trying to see everything in case you never make it back!
Now my make up bag. Normally when i’m going away for a few days I don’t actually take this much, but there are a few reasons I am this time. Firstly, I want to limit the temptation to buy make up, especially as i’ve heard it’s quite expensive. If I haven’t forgotten anything, I have no need to spend. Secondly, I’m going with a gorgeous blogger and we’ll both have our cameras. And thirdly, I’m single. I need to look good as I’m going to be out in public much more than I usually am! You never know who I might me! Anyway, my make up bag is another of my prizes from Katie’s blog giveaway, it’s so cute! It’s also a lot smaller than my actual make up bag and fits inside my wash bag, again this way it takes up less room in my case.
For my base i’m taking my old faithfuls, Benefit’s The Porefessional, Bourjois Paris’ 10 Hour Sleep Effect, MAC concealer and powder. This is what I wear pretty much every day occasionally using Benefit’s Erase Paste if I’ve had little sleep. I know it’s boring but it agrees with my skin. I’m taking my Sleek Face Form as it has a blush, highlighter and bronzer for contouring along with an extra blush in the shape of The Balm’s Down Boy. I’m also taking my mini Posie Tint as I can just toss that in my bag for touch ups during the day. For my eyes I’m taking my Sigma mini pallet as i’m going to go for bright lips rather than dramatic eyes.. saying that i’m taking 3 eyeliners! My rubbish Soap & Glory Supercat eyeliner for my lids, a mini Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliner for the evenings and a Rimmel Scandaleyes for during the day. I’m also taking a sample of YSL’s Baby Doll mascara. I’ve probably gone over the top with lip colours but since I never go out I don’t get the chance to wear my awesome lipsticks much. I’m taking an Apocalips in Stella, Yves Rocher in Grand Rouge and three MAC lipsticks, Candy Yum Yum, Hang Up and Sounds Like Noise. The MAC ones are totally going to be my evening out lipsticks! Finally, I’m taking only four brushes.. I know some beauty bloggers will be turning their noses up but my Ruby & Millie brush serves well for face powder and blush then three eye brushes. Oh and some tweezers!
Do you have a problem with over packing or is it just me? (I hope not!)

Kelly Lelly
This post is so cute!
How do you fit all that in there!? Haha,
Its a talent!!
Where is the animal/cat bag from lovely?
Kelly from DayDreamsDaisyChains.com
Sabrina Tajudin
I have a problem with packing too coz I just wanna bring everything! hehe.. Followed!