Wellness Tips For Winter*
Winter has hit with a bang this year. Our homes are being affected by flooding, high winds and minus temperatures- and the impact is huge. Keeping yourself safe is the most important thing as the weather falls further downhill, but the long-term effects could also leave your home and lifestyle in a rut. Follow these wellness tips for winter to ensure you are one step ahead of this winter. Service Your Home No matter how new or modern your home is, all houses tend to suffer during the winter months if not looked after properly. Taking certain precautions now will help you efficiently prepare for winter and make sure your…
5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Laser Hair Removal*
Firstly, let me say I’m a firm believer in doing what you want with your body hair. These days I don’t shave or wax half as much as I did in my 20s especially in winter and I’m okay with it. That’s my choice. However, as I’m living with a hormonal imbalance I have noticed hair where I didn’t used to have it, which does damage my self esteem. I’m not alone in this. Hair growth is one of the top reasons people feel insecure in their own skin. So if it’s your choice to hair remove every week, have you perhaps thought about looking into laser hair removal? Professional laser…
The Guidelines that DVLA Have for Private Number Plates*
The main reason that people want to personalise their number plates is because it allows them to add a unique and special touch to their vehicle. Of course, having a personalised number plate gives you plenty more freedom than an assigned one, however, what you may not realise is that you still have some guidelines that you need to follow. To make sure that you still stand out from the crowd, but that you are within the law; here are some of the DVLA guidelines that you need to keep in mind for private number plates. Credit How to display your number plates The first rule that you should keep…
Christmas Tips: How to Grow Your Own Christmas Dinner*
For most of us, meal creation is something we enjoy. But, how many times do you follow a recipe card by going to the supermarket to purchase your ingredients? This article will show you how to remove that stressful element from your Christmas route by showing you how you can grow your own veg for Christmas dinner. All you need is a green thumb and a selection of gardening seeds. From peas to potatoes, we’ve got you covered. Brussels sprouts Different from potatoes, brussel sprouts can take up quite a bit of space. Sprouts need a little bit more love and attention to pay off. Plant your sprouts around March…
Do your teeth look great but your gums look less than symmetrical? What you need to know about gum lifts in W1*
In the world of cosmetic surgery, a face lift is a common procedure, but have you ever heard of a treatment called a gum lift? It is a fairly common occurrence across dental clinics in W1; patients have a dental makeover, veneers or whitening performed, leaving them with a fresh-looking set of teeth, but their gums lines look less than presentable. When we smile, we show off our gums as well as our teeth, so for a flawless smile, your gums need to look their best too! Luckily, cosmetic dental surgeries have the solution for this too; a gum lift. What is a gum lift? A gum lift is a…
4 Travel Tips For People That Are Terrified Of Flying*
For most people, flying is just a bit of an inconvenience that you have to deal with if you want to visit exciting destinations. Nobody likes doing it, but you can’t enjoy travel without it so you just learn to live with it. But for some people, it’s a much bigger deal than that. If you’re a person that absolutely hates flying, it can really make it difficult to enjoy travel. But there are ways around it. These are some of the best travel tips for people that hate flying. Image From Pixabay CCO License Find Another Way Flying isn’t your only option, it’s just the one that most people…