• Life

    Murder On Board The Titanic

    This post is now a month in the making, I apologise Bee, it was one of my favourite nights of the year so far so it deserved to be blogged about sooner! Anyway, today’s post is mainly about food and fun. Eight courses worth of food and cake, the best birthday cake i’ve ever received in my life, and the person I have to thank for it all, is the best best friend a girl could want. If you don’t follow her blog Journeys Are My Diary yet, you bloody well should! So last month saw my twenty six birthday, and since my twenty fifth and twenty forth birthdays were…

  • Life

    Twenty Six

    As some of you, or perhaps all of you, know that it was my birthday on Friday. For the last few years I’ve had fairly rubbishy birthday so this year when all my friends wanted to make plans with me I was so excited! My twenty fifth year was awful, the worst of my life, so being able to bid it farewell and hello to my new age in such a way was so nice. I ended up having four birthdays in total, or two birthday weekends. My two closest friends from university, Jess & Kariss came up from the 7th-9th and we went out for a meal on the…

  • Life

    Happy International Womens Day

    I’m not sure how into this International Womens Day I really am, but I thought i’d write a quick post about the inspiring and supportive women in my life. Starting with my Nanny. My Nanny is husband to one frustrating man, mother to five children, four girls and one boy. She is grandmother to sixteen grandchildren and great grand mother to twelve. She has been a housewife all her life, marrying at seventeen. She’s suffered mental health problems, lost family, close family but through it all, she’s held our family together. Although my grandfather claims to be the head of the family, it’s really my Nanny. She gives and gives,…

  • Life,  Travel

    Adventuring in Louth

    The past three days I’ve been lucky enough to be in the company of my best friend Bee and her family. As my mother works in a school, unless I’m ill or have something important to do, she rarely has Little Miss for me, and she never had her over night, except when she’s on holiday which has been for the last week. So on Wednesday I caught the train down the country at 8:10am to make sure I made the most of the time I had. I arrived just before lunchtime and spent my first day catching up as I hadn’t seen Bee since a few days before Christmas.…

  • Life

    Ho Ho Homicide – A Christmas Murder Mystery

    So normal people have nights out in all their glitz and glam for Christmas, the friendship group I’m part of like to get together and dress up. I much prefer this. Everyone (should) reaches an age where going out and getting plastered at Christmas doesn’t appeal anymore, my little sister reached it on Boxing Day where she lasted 10 minutes in the nightclub before heading home to her boyfriend and puppy, and even though everyone drinks at these gatherings (and sometimes I get a bit silly after a bottle of wine and make a fool of myself still) it’s not to the extent of days gone by. Last Saturday I…

  • Life

    A Taste of Transylville Terror Murder Mystery

    So I came back from Paris on Halloween and only had the effort (after taking Little Miss trick or treating around my aunt’s & grandparents houses) to order chinese take out and watch Hocus Pocus followed by The Nightmare Before Christmas. But last Saturday my best friend Bee, threw one of her now famous Murder Mystery parties, Halloween themed but also for our friend Jon’s birthday. It was our fourth this year, however I didn’t manage to write about the previous one which happened to be my favourite! This was because I didn’t take any photos, bit sad about it really! We have a final two already lined up for…