What We Did for Halloween 2016
Well it’s the morning after the night before, Halloween is over for another year! Halloween 2016 has been a lot of fun for us this year, we did quite a lot of things to celebrate the season, from watching spooky movies to going to Halloween parties and dressing up. Instead of lots of little posts, I’m doing a big round up post of all the things we did filled with photos. Enjoy!
Disney Bloggers Halloween Gift Swap
These days the only blogger niche I associate myself with is the Disney bloggers, so I was so excited when Hannah put together a gift swap for us. I took part in the one last Christmas and it was a lot of fun making up a gift to send and then receiving one back. The budget was again £10 which if I’m honest seems to low and I never stick to it, but for some people I guess that’s part of the challenge. A few days before Halloween my parcel turned up from kellybelly_xo and it was incredibly cute. How pretty is the Rapunzel print? And there were even some colouring sheets in there for Little Miss.
Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party
We were in Florida from the 4th to the 18th October, right in the middle of their Halloween season celebrations and after last years success of course we were going to do Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party! Originally we were going to do it on the 6th October but due to the Hurricane we didn’t end up doing it until the 16th. Never the less we had an amazing time and I will be doing a whole post about it. In the mean time some of the highlights were of course Little Miss finally meeting her hero, Sally Stitches (so worth the hour queue in the sun), watching Boo to You twice and Little Miss taking part in the pre-parade with Judy Hopps. Little Miss also got to Trick or Treat this year and we ended up with a bag of candy each. We managed to meet a whole host of characters as well. We also dressed up as Alice & the White Rabbit, I’ll do a whole post on our costumes too. Like with last year we had a small list of must do stuff and we ticked everything off and got to spend some valuable time with my friend Justin.
In House Halloween Party
My parents took it in their head that this year we’d have a Halloween party, just the 6 of us and we’d all have to dress up. I swear they’re getting more insane as the years go on. So that’s what we did. We all dressed up and listened to Boo to You, and ate party food and watched The Nightmare Before Christmas together then we took the kids out trick or treat-ing to all our families houses. From the outside I’m sure it looked rather lame but we had a lot of fun and it was a nice reminder of just how special my family is. This week we’re having a bonfire night party, just the six of us again.
Halloween Night
Little Miss went back to school yesterday which was actually Halloween, this meant she was in a uniform until 3:30. We just treated it like a normal night until we got home where I lit our pumpkin spice candles, we put on our pjs and crawled into the den I constructed on Friday. We read The Nightmare Before Christmas together then we watched Toy Story Tale of Terror and once she’d gone off to bed I watched Hocus Pocus. We had a bucket of sweets for anyone who came to our door but no one did (I assume it’s because we live on a hill). It was nice, cosy and not at all scary. Maybe one year we’ll celebrate by being at Disneyland Paris for the Halloween party, and eventually Little Miss will be old enough to go out properly. But this year, it was the perfect end to the spooky season.

One Comment
Aw it all looks so lovely! I was in spain this year so I didnt do much although we did get some super cute trick or treaters!