#77 The Infamous Spending Ban
So.. due to having a dreadful 2013 so far (it honestly gets worse every week) I have basically shopped and shopped until I have started to feel better.. and then I shopped some more. However my savings are now dwindling and with a new home on the horizon, I thought it was best that I started to get some money back in the bank. Therefore from today, I will be on a spending ban for the next month!
I honestly wish I could just cut down my spending but i’m either an all or nothing kinda girl. It would be nice if I could just buy one thing a week but I have no restraint. I am nervous, very nervous.. I have never done anything like this before. If I see something I like and I have the money in my bank, I buy it. But not anymore! I really want to prove to myself that I can do this, I work well with goals and for me, going on a spending ban is a big goal. The ban is stretching from March 11th to April 11th.
- Toiletries for myself and Little Miss must be included within the weekly shop. Basics only! For myself this includes face wipes (I have enough scrubs, moisturiser & shampoo), toothpaste & nail varnish remover that I may need over the next month. For Little Miss this includes nappies, wipes, bubble bath, shampoo and lotion.
- The ban does not include nursery fees or any other costs to do with Little Miss, however she needs no more clothes or toys for the foreseeable future.
- The ban does not include gifts for others (my dads birthday falls within the ban and obviously I have to get him a gift).
- £20 a week needs to be put aside for the #NottsBBmeet as I plan on doing some shopping then (it’s after the ban, luckily).
- All extra money at the end of each week needs to be put into the savings account.
- Any Easter/Birthday gifts of money/vouchers must be saved to be spent after the ban is over.
I have a list of up coming posts that is as long as my arm so I’m not short of content for the next month. I have loads of products to review, a wardrobe of clothes, plenty of recipes, some events in my diary so I will be blogging as much as ever. Just no shopping.

Lauren Costello
Good luck with your spending ban! I am on a cut back from shopping at the moment, I find saving so difficult! A whole outfit for £20 would be great and would be a great blog post! I picked up a lovely formalish dress for £3 in a charity shop so it’s definitely doable!
Lauren x
Amy Marie
I’m going to go around the charity shops next week, fingers crossed I can find something nice!
Good luck on your ban, I’m finding it so hard, there are so many pretty things out there so I’m focusing on all the pretty things I can buy in Nottingham. So far I cracked once on hoop earrings but apart from that nothing else. Though I had to kind of spend a bit on new bodysuits and my youngest seems to of had a growth spurt way too quickly.
Rhiannon x
Amy Marie
I haven’t cracked for myself yet but I did have for Olivia. Luckily I had a Next voucher from her birthday to use, she needed some new leggings for nursery!
Kate Pirouette
Wow! Good luck Amy! I am trying to cut back to save for a little getaway in April too, so we can suffer through it together!
An outfit for £20 should be do-able I think, I’m a big charity shop fan too. It’ll be interesting to see what you go for!
Kate xx
I love this! I always really like hearing people talk, I know that might sound strange, because often people don’t like hearing themselves. I always wonder what people sound like though. Samuel is a character isn’t he? Love how he tries to persuade you with a kiss! Fingers crossed these changes make all the difference.
Kate x
Just Pirouette and Carry On…
Amy Marie
A get away sounds nice, hope you managed to save for it!
I’m going next Wednesday so we’ll see, I’ll post me wee haul!
oh wow, goodluck! I’m always on a spending ban, been tight on money ever since i can remember!
Amy Marie
I was like that when I wasn’t living at home because I always had to fend for myself since 18. When I moved back in July I’ve just gone crazy. Need to get some savings in the bank for my home.
Paloma in Disguise
Ahh I desperately need to go on a spending ban! Hope yours goes well 🙂 x
Amy Marie
Good luck if you do go on one!
Good luck lovely! I really need to do this- I just really don’t need any more stuff. And certainly no more items of stripy clothing. Good luck with it, I’m sure you’ll find it easier than you think! x
Amy Marie
So far it hasn’t been so bad, usually it’s when I get bored and I start browsing the internet! It’s going to be a long month but I’m pleased with my savings from this week alone!
Good luck 🙂 I keep meaning to do a spending ban but always think I won’t manage it… I don’t actually spend much, but I do like treating myself to little things sometimes x
Amy Marie
Then that’s fine, the odd treat is only human need. I wish I had that kind of restraint!
Good luck! I should definitely try and follow suit!
Amy Marie
You barely spend anything Miss Ingrid!