Making the Switch to a Healthy Lifestyle*
When it comes to food, I’m lazy. I never used to be, I used to love cooking but since living on my own the thrill of that has gone and it’s too easy to eat at my mum’s house and when I don’t, it’s too easy to get quick food such as a takeaway or something to bung into the oven. But my clothes aren’t fitting anymore and I can’t afford new. It’s a sad situation and one only I can take action with to live a more healthy lifestyle.
As I’m someone who can’t stick to a conventional diet, I’ve decided to make small changes that will hopefully help me see a big change by next summer. Today I’m sharing a few of the changes I plan on making;
Feel Positive About Working Out
I have never been someone who enjoys working out. I just don’t like it. But I know if I want to make changes, I need to make the effort to try it. The first thing I’m going to do is buy workout clothing that I want to wear! I’m going to invest in a gym t shirt and a womens workout hoodie. I think dressing correctly will give me that boost I need when I work out. A few workout hoodies and good trainers are a must before I even head to the gym.
Walk More
The only reason why I’m not really overweight is because I don’t drive. But lately, my mum’s shift work has meant she’s been picking me up a lot more and that means less walking. LM really doesn’t mind going for walks so I think I just need to download my pacer app again and aim for those 10,000 steps daily. While I can’t afford the gym daily and I’m not confident enough to go out running, walking daily is probably the only way I can get exercise at the moment. I need to get those steps up for a healthy lifestyle.
Try Cooking with Rapeseed Oil
I’ve recently heard about the benefits of cooking with rapeseed oil and I’m going to be making the switch. It’s not only low in saturated fats and high in nonsaturated fats but it’s also a good source of vitamin e which is important for the formation of red blood cells, it’s also an antioxidant. Cooking with a low saturated fat oil will definitely make a difference in my diet.
Look for Healthy Alternatives
My biggest downfall is definitely the types of food I buy. I like the full-fat stuff. I like cheese. I like chocolate. I like white bread and I really like dessert. But if I do want to lose weight I need to look for healthier alternatives to these. You can get low in calories and low in fat desserts. You can get 50/50 bread. You can get low-fat cheese and cream. Instead of buying things to make a massive bowl of nachos, I could buy hummus and low-fat snack bread. Instead of biscuits, I could buy rice cakes. This is something I 100% need to make a more conscious effort with. Healthy snacking isn’t all leaves and carrot sticks, I can make the changes and still enjoy what I eat and it’s really important I make the effort to do this.
Make Time for Proper Meal
Laziness with cooking is something I’ve gotten into the habit of. I can cook. And I can cook really well. But I sadly got to the point where I just didn’t enjoy it and buying fresh ingredients in for one and a half was so expensive! I spend ages on Pinterest pinning healthy meals that look good but I just never get around to cooking them. I think I’m really going to make a conscious effort to eat more home-cooked healthy meals rather than food from the freezer. If I have any successes I’ll be sure to share them on here like I used to back in the day!
Hopefully making these 5 changes will help me embrace a healthy lifestyle that will result in a steady weight loss. Wish me luck!