The Restored, Helping Me Improve My Health & Wellbeing*
Today I’m going to be talking about how plan to improve my health with The Restored. If you follow my personal Instagram, you’ll know i’ve been trying to lose weight for the last 3 weeks by changing and tracking my eating habits. This isn’t something I’ve decided on a whim and I’m still very body positive especially with LM, but I want to do this for me, so I can be positive about my own body. Last year I discovered I suffered from PCOS and it definitely lead me into a spiral of bad habits. I felt bad so I ate bad. I piled on the weight so my joints ached, my skin was a mess and my sleep pattern was pretty much non-existent. But most of all, I hated how I looked in the mirror and in photos, even more than I used to.
Sounds miserable, right?
When I booked our holiday to California I decided I had to take action. No one was going to fix this for me and any problems I had were from bad lifestyle choices I’d made over the last few years, so I started to make changes. 3 weeks on I’ve completely overhauled my diet. I’ve cut out fast food, chocolate, multiple coffees (I now only have one in the morning) and now I drink water all day. I don’t think I’ve ever drank the recommended 8 glasses of water in my life, but here I am pulling it off.. and I am feeling better for it!
But what else can I do?
So, hat’s just the first step and today I’m going to be talking about my next step to improve my health, by taking control with The Restored, a new wellbeing concept.
A quick introduction to The Restored for you; it’s an exciting new concept built around supplements, equipment and lifestyle changes that will have you saying “that feels better“. The philosophy of The Restored is that everyone deserves to feel healthy, and that it shouldn’t have to be difficult. We all lead busy lives and not everyone can fit in (or afford) a daily gym work out with a trainer, especially if you continue with poor nutrition and on little to no sleep. The Restored believe that you need a good foundation of sleep, nutrition, movement and mindset and this will help you improve your health and wellness.
It sounds perfect for me. I was already worrying how I’d shift the remaining weight after I stopped losing from healthy eating, but I think by using The Restored philosophy, I wouldn’t need to fork out for a hefty gym membership to continue to my goal of feeling better and looking better.
Tell me more?
To get started I took The Restored Health Quiz, this would be able to show me which one of the four foundations I need to focus on. The Restored believe that most people already have 2-3 of their foundation building blocks down and by focusing on one that needs the most effort it should reap better results. Part of their belief is that paving the way to better health and well being is changing your habits and the Restored Health Quiz will show you whether you need to focus on sleep, nutrition, movement or mindset. Along with your answer you’ll be given some practical, usable advice.
Unsurprisingly, I got nutrition and the advice that comes with it will help me restore the foundations of nutrition, which is exactly what I was looking for. I was also given a Feel Good Challenge, and I wanted to share with you what I’m taking away from it to try over the next few weeks.
Step 1 Hydrate
I was so happy to see the first step in my challenge was drink more water because this is exactly what I’ve been doing. A friend told me to drink every time I had an urge to snack because more often than not your body just wants water and I think they’re right. I’ve already been following The Restored advice by keeping my bottle full and I add ice cubes to keep it cold and lemon to take the hard taste off that our tap water has.
While I’ve been focusing on hydration and nutrition, I’ve also been curious about natural alternatives for wellness. Recently, I came across Alternaleaf, which offers plant-based alternative medicine. They have a range of natural solutions that might aid in various wellness areas such as sleep, pain, anxiety, and more.
In addition, hydration by IV treatments, such as IV hydration in Orange County, offers distinct benefits, surpassing regular water intake. These treatments deliver fluids directly into the bloodstream, ensuring rapid absorption and hydration, which can be especially beneficial during periods of intense physical activity or dehydration.
Step 2 Eat More Vegetables
It’s not that I don’t like vegetables, I just don’t eat enough and the ones I could eat as a snack like raw carrots, pea pods, raw peppers.. I’m not a huge fan of. I only like some vegetables cooked a certain way which means they can’t be in every meal. The Restored recommends smoothies and soups to pack in more vegetables. I’ve been so focused on salads that I forgot about how low calorie and fat veg soup can be so I’ll definitely b trying that!
The Restored also recommend you try and eat a rainbow of fruit and veg as each different colour provides something different your body needs. I have to admit I’m terrible for only eating greens, so I am going to splash out on some berries this week to add a bit more colour. Apparently, strawberries are nice in a salad, who knew!?
Nutrition is probably the foundation I’ve been ignoring most for the last year and I’m looking forward to continuing to make changes. Along with drinking more water and adding more veg, I want to try and eat less protein (especially from meat) as since giving Keto a go last year I’ve swapped my carbs for protein and it’s not really any better for my body. I want to swap empty calories in carbs such as white pasta and bread for wholegrain which is also a good source of fibre! I’m hoping these little changes will lead to big changes both mentally and physically over the next few months.
How do I get started?
If you’re not sure which foundation block you need to work on, I recommend taking The Restored Health Quiz, perhaps there are little changes you could make to your life that could help you feel better inside and out.
Keep an eye on the blog as I’ll have another update about my journey to improve my health and well being with The Restored coming soon!