Murder On Board The Titanic
This post is now a month in the making, I apologise Bee, it was one of my favourite nights of the year so far so it deserved to be blogged about sooner!
Anyway, today’s post is mainly about food and fun. Eight courses worth of food and cake, the best birthday cake i’ve ever received in my life, and the person I have to thank for it all, is the best best friend a girl could want. If you don’t follow her blog Journeys Are My Diary yet, you bloody well should! So last month saw my twenty six birthday, and since my twenty fifth and twenty forth birthdays were pretty much a wash out, she took it upon herself to make this year extra special. From arriving to at her house to Princess balloons and banners, to two birthday cakes, awesome presents and one amazing party, it was probably one of my best weekends in years. And today I want to write about all the food that went into the EIGHT COURSE feast that everyone enjoyed at my party. The eight course feast I ended up picking at because I’d got myself so exhausted that I ended up being ill. However, everyone else enjoyed it to the best of their capacity so I had to share it!
This was our first murder mystery of the year (we have since done another one that will get it’s own post) and I’m pretty sure everyone was really looking forward to it. The theme this time was Murder On Board The Titanic and it actually ended up being one of our funniest ones to date! By the end of the night I wasn’t sure if my stomach hurt from being unwell or from laughing so much! The twists on the script and our genera smuttiness were definitely a match made in heaven. I won’t be sharing any outfit posts, even mine this time but I am going to share the menu, it was definitely fit for first class on board The Ship of Dreams (even though we did take lots of shortcuts in the cooking, it took nothing away from how good it looked!)
On arrival everyone was presented with a glass of Blue Lagoon complete with Titanic and iceberg ice cubes because obviously my perfect party wouldn’t be complete without cocktails! These were to be consumed prior to dinner during general chat and of course, the dreaded photograph taking (we all hate it!). Then we sat down to dinner and of course, the game.
Minestrone Soup with croutons
First Course
Canapes of Prosciutto & Cream Cheese Pinwheels, Bruschetta and Smoked Salmon on Cucumber
Fish Course
Fishcake on Bed of Rocket
Palate Cleanser
Mint and Lemon Presse
Main Course
Chicken Wrapped in Bacon with Sprouting Broccoli, Carrots, Mash Potato & Choice of Sauce
Trio of Desserts Chocolate Mousse, Cheesecake & Profiterole
Palate Cleanser
Raspberry Sorbet
Final Course
Cheese Plate
I feel so hungry just looking back at the photos of this. My favourite was the smoked salmon on cucumber, the mint and lemon presse which was surprisingly delicious (but then again I’m a complete sucker for mint and citrus which is probably why mojitos are my cocktail of choice) the main course, I went for peppercorn sauce on my chicken and it was good, the profiterole which I had dipped in salted caramel and the raspberry sorbet. Which I could have eaten a whole tub of! I plan on buying it in the summer to make pink lemonade. To be honest, the only thing I wasn’t keen on was the soup at the start, and I do wish I’d been well enough to manage the fishcake and cheese course as usually I enjoy both! I think the way Bee managed to put easy course together was ingenious, because to be honest, only the main was completely cooked from scratch. But looking at the photos you can’t tell that any shortcuts were used! Also did I mention this was a meal for TEN!?
Now, I’m so excited to be sharing with you all a better look at my amazing Peter Pan themed birthday cake, that I practically nearly cried when it had to be dismantled so I could take one of the tiers home (I would have loved to have taken the whole thing and kept it in a shrine, but you can’t really do that with cake sadly. Being my best friend, Bee knows about my love for Peter Pan, it’s one of the stories (and Disney film) close to my heart, so much so I’m contemplating getting a tattoo of it. I especially love the scene when they fly over London, which is what my cake is based on;
Uhhh, hi, is my best friend AMAZING or what? I pretty much cried with happiness when I saw it and said all weekend how it was a work of art not a cake. It’s so me! Not only that, but it tasted delicious. I got to take the chocolate layer home which was the middle one, but I tasted both and although I don’t like lemon cake, it was pretty nice but I LOVED the strawberry level which was the bottom.
So, that was the rest of the stuff about my birthday. My twenty seventh is going to take some beating.. but I don’t mind if it’s not as good, because my thirtieth Disney fancy dress themed party is going to be the best!

This looks phenomenal, so much thought and effort clearly went into this. You’re so lucky to have such an amazing best friend.
That sounds amazing! I’d love to do a murder mystery! That food looked amazing and I am so jealous of your cake! 🙂 xx
Aw, I would love to organise a murder mystery weekend as well – I’ve been wondering how best to do it for the rangers if we have an night away somewhere.
Hi, I’m really enjoying your blog at the moment so I nominated you for a liebster award.
You can check out my post, and your 11 questions over at missnoodlebug.blogspot.com – I look forward to reading your post! x
Kariss Ainsworth
Wow the food loos amazing!