Protecting Your Building Foundations*
Foundation issues can be caused by a number of factors, including poor drainage, soil shrinkage and tree roots. Neglecting foundation issues in your building could result in more severe structural damage and costly repairs. To properly protect the foundations of your property and keep them dry and damage free, here are three top tips from the experts at Screwfast Foundations Limited… Credit Inspect your property The first step to protecting the foundations of your building is to carefully inspect the land around your property. Does the ground slope away from your foundation? If it doesn’t, you may find rainwater pooling, which could slowly seep into the foundations of your home.…
Getting the Best Out of Your Adulting Expenses*
Once upon a time, I used to work and spend every last penny on myself. I could go on holidays, spend a fortune in Topshop and own 77 MAC lipsticks and not even bat an eyelid (ahhh those days at University). I thought I was an adult because I could buy whatever I wanted. Then I graduated and entered the real world. At first, aside from rent and bills, I could spend everything else on myself, it still felt great that I was working so hard and really reaping the rewards. But then, at 24, I became a single mother and adulting got hard. For a long time I didn’t…
5 Must Have Back to School Essentials for Kids*
The school summer holidays haven’t even started yet and I’m already making lists of what I need to be buying for the new school year in September. I know I’m not the only one as I’ve noticed the shops are already stocking fresh uniforms and school supplies. Kitting out your kid can be costly, and families with more than one kid usually have to spread that cost over the whole 6 weeks that they’re out of school! Although to some it might seem crazy to be thinking of back to school before the kids even break up, for a lot of families it’s the only cost effective way to do…
Gifting Sweets for All Occasions with Swizzels*
When I compare my childhood to LM’s, a lot has changed. Not just basic things like fashion, music and pop culture, but even the way we parent and the toys she plays with. Sometimes this makes me sad, but other times I feel happy that the world is constantly changing and LM gets to have a better childhood than I had (and I had a rather blessed and sheltered one). However, I love when I find something that hasn’t changed from my childhood, and today’s example of that is Swizzels sweets. In fact, Swizzels has barely even changed since my mother was a child, and that’s saying something (sorry mum!)…
Is University the Right Path for Your Child?*
Students may have different reasons for going to university. For many, the main reason is to explore their favourite subject. Some students attend university in hope that it will lead to their chosen career. Others go to university for the social life and to experience living away from home. Credit Regardless of the reason, it is important for students to remember why they are in university, in order to best achieve their goals. If you are trying to help your child decide whether or not to go to university, here are three useful tips from Brampton College… When considering university, the most important advice you can give your child is…
Should I Let My Child Have a Phone?*
Mobile phones are a great way to keep in touch anytime and anywhere. But when is the right time to let your child have one? Dover College have put together this helpful guide to help you decide when is an appropriate time to buy your child their first phone… When is the right age? There isn’t a legal age at which children are allowed a phone. The right age to give your child their first mobile phone is really up to you as parents. The most important questions to consider are do they really need a phone? And are they mature enough to look after one and use it sensibly?…