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Why Your Pipes Are Leaking And What To Do About It*

By far one of the most common plumbing problems of all, and the source of many a repair bill, you should never ignore  if if the pipes are leaking in your home, even if they’re small enough for you to be able to handle or only happen intermittently. Here, we’re going to look at some of the explanations behind the phenomenon, and what you can do to stop it…

Watch That Water Temperature

If it’s not the pipes throughout the home, but the taps that are instead starting to leak, especially from the base of the hot water tap, then it may be the water temperature that’s too high. There are several signs your water temperature is too high but, usually, if your water is steaming out of the tap, that’s a good sign enough. Aside from stressing your water heater more than it needs to, this will also affect parts of the plumbing like rubber washers in taps, which cause them to not be able to seal properly, which can lead to dripping water. Replace your washer and turn down your water temperature.

It’s Time to Replace the Pipes

Like every part of the home, pipes can get old and begin to break down. This is especially true for homes with pipes made out of cast iron materials, which can begin to get brittle and fail after enough time. To prevent the increased expenses of having to deal with water damage, then you should look at replacing the piping system for the home, which isn’t cheap but might be essential as it can turn into a big problem if your pipes are leaking.

Check the Water Pressure

Water pressure that is too high can result in excessive harm. Most plumbing systems and fixtures are built to withstand specific pressures and excessive pressure can cause damage. The normal water pressure is generally between 40 to 50 psi, and it is best not to exceed 60 psi. However, if the pressure is too low, it can negatively impact the performance of your shower and other plumbing fixtures. Therefore, it is important to find a balanced pressure that works for you.

A Blocked Drain

If there’s seemingly no explanation for it, like with the problems above, then the classic case of the blocked drain might be the source. You can try using a drain cleaner product to clear up the issue and, in most cases, this is going to work just fine but, when it doesn’t, you shouldn’t rest on it. Call in a blocked drain plumber or else you could find the blockage getting worse over time. It can even lead to sewage backup, which is pleasant for nobody.

Foundation Issues

The foundations of a home can move and cause new cracks to form in the plumbing system over time. Additionally, trees near the home can have roots that grow towards and penetrate the home and underground piping, which can cause damage to the plumbing system if the pipes are compressed or damaged.

Whatever the issue is, if you’re not able to handle it yourself, then you should get in touch with a plumber as soon as you can to make sure it doesn’t exacerbate itself.

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