5 Must Have Back to School Essentials for Kids*
The school summer holidays haven’t even started yet and I’m already making lists of what I need to be buying for the new school year in September. I know I’m not the only one as I’ve noticed the shops are already stocking fresh uniforms and school supplies. Kitting out your kid can be costly, and families with more than one kid usually have to spread that cost over the whole 6 weeks that they’re out of school! Although to some it might seem crazy to be thinking of back to school before the kids even break up, for a lot of families it’s the only cost effective way to do it. Not only that but usually you find the best offers the earliest you buy.
Whether it’s your first time getting ready for back to school or your tenth time, here are 5 back to school essentials for kids.
When it comes to must buy essentials for going back to school, a good pair of shoes are always top of my list and they usually come in as the most costly item I have to buy. I’m one of these parents that like to buy one pair of shoes for the whole year. I go for something practical, that will wear well in all weather (we walk to and from school) but also something LM likes. I remember my dad trying to force me into a pair of POD shoes because they would wear well and last but I always thought they made me look like a boy! LB loves Lelli Kelly or Clarks because they have some great girly styles and I like them because I know they will last for a whole year so I don’t mind paying extra for them.
The Right School Uniform
At the moment, this is easy as LM doesn’t care about fashion but I know as she gets older it’ll be harder to convince her into practical choices over wearing what the popular kids do. Just now I like to cover all my bases with one skirt, one pinafore, 5 pairs of tights (that I have to replace 5+ times a year, why do tights never last?), 5 polo shirts and two cardigans with the school badge on. I also always buy a summer dress for her at the end of the year, why? Because they always reduce them! I buy it in the size up so she can wear it the following summer. There is a parent hack for you!
Sports Essentials
I swear when I was at Primary School we just wore any old shorts and a t-shirt but these days it’s a regulated set. Shirt, shorts, gym shoes. Then we have her swimming kit. At Disney she might want to wear an Ariel bathing suit, but at school she likes to have a regulation one without all the bells and whistles. Finally, she needs a whole new dance kit as she’s moving from Primary to Grade 1 this year. Don’t get me wrong, I love that she wants to do extra curricular activities but when you send your kid off to school you don’t even think about these hidden costs!
Outer Wear
Like with school shoes, this is something else I actually invest in for the year, a couple of good coats that not only keep her warm but also wash well! I love her in a wool style duffel coat but it’s not something I’d ever send her to school in. These days schools send them out in all weathers so it needs to be waterproof and come with a hood. Pockets are also a must. I like the padded ones as I know she’ll be warm when I’m not there to check she’s zipped up or wearing her hat, scarf and gloves. In the Autumn and Spring she has a waterproof jacket that is a lot thinner but should she end up in the school field I know it’ll be protecting her uniform.
The Stuff You Can Customise
For me, the worst part of going to school in the UK was the fact I had to wear the same clothes every single day. My wardrobe was full of colourful garments I couldn’t wear and I know LM often feels the same. So as and end of summer treat I always take her out to buy her new bag, lunchbox and a pencil case. Being able to pick something that expresses her personality fills us both with joy. She only gets one of each a year so it has to be something she really wants, and it’s a nice way to cap off the end of summer.
If you’re worrying about paying for all the back to school essentials Very has a huge selection of fantastic brands and flexible ways you can pay.