Is My Child Old Enough to Walk to School Alone?*
Walking to school can be beneficial in many ways; it’s good for the planet, it helps increase daily step counts, can save money and it can also help with wellbeing. But at what age should we let our children walk to school without a parent or guardian with them? Lots of people have different opinions and really the answer comes down to you and your child. Parsons Green Prep School have provided us with very helpful and thought provoking some questions to help you make your decision a little easier.
Do they have to cross any roads?
What is the journey like from your house to the school, are there any roads they have to cross? If so are they particularly dangerous or do they have any safety crossings?
What is the journey?
A 10 minute stroll round the corner is very different from a 55 minute walk each way! Think about the time it takes and if there are any big hills, busy roads or unsafe alleyways that they may have to use.
How mature is your child?
Every child has a different level of maturity and can be trusted to do certain things at very different ages. You know your child better than anyone; do you think they are mature and trustworthy enough to be able to get themselves to and from school each day?
Do they have any way of contacting an adult?
Children are getting mobile devices at younger and younger ages – would your little one have a way of getting hold of someone if they got into a situation where they needed help? Are there other parents or adults along the way that they could turn to if needed?
Is your child street savvy?
Do you allow your child to play outside with their friends, go to the park or anywhere without parental guidance? Do they have older siblings that they have learnt the basic roadside rules and how to say no to strangers and stray away from potentially risky situations?
All of these are very important questions to consider when deciding whether your child is old enough to walk to school on their own or not. But really it boils down to how you and your family feel about it. If you are struggling to make this big decision talk to other parents at the school or ask the teachers if they think your child is ready.