
My Mummy First Aid Kit*

As a parent my biggest fear in the world is something happening to my daughter. As soon as you become a mum, all previous fears like loosing your parents, becoming bankrupt or even dying yourself are put onto the back burner because your kid is the most important thing and it’s unimaginable to think of life without them. But lets face it, your kid is going to get sick or hurt and one time or another, and if they’re anything like my daughter at three, they’ll be completely fearless and think jumping between the sofa’s like the cat is a smart idea. Of course it’s not, and just this week I had to deal with a bumped cheek and carpet burn on the knee. It’s always best to be aware of the symptoms of illnesses such as fever that could avoid an unnecessary trip to the doctors.

With this in mind, today I’m sharing what I like to call my “mummy first aid kit” because lets face it, it’s always best to be prepared! There are a number of items you can buy, fairly cheaply might I add from places such as B&M Home Stores, Savers and so on, to keep at home in a box or first aid kit. Please always ensure that this is well out of reach of your child!

Pain Relief & Cough Syrup. I have to admit, I’m a bit of a mean mummy when it comes to pain relief. My mother used to dole out Calpol to my sister and I for every little thing, to the point that these days pain killers practically do nothing unless I use both paracetamol and ibuprofen. I do not want this to be case for Little Miss. However, I do have a bottle of both in case of high temperature, after vaccinations, teething, or if she has a particularly bad cold. As well as that I have cough mixture as this is something she is prone to and there is nothing worse than being kept up all night by a cough.

Various Size Plasters. My daughter actually isn’t a fan of plasters but I do have a fair amount of them just in case, or if my nephew comes over because he loves one. I have them in various sizes to cover all manner of scrapes. It’s very rare you will need to make a trip to the emergency room for a skinned knee, but if it’s bleeding it can upset a child. Simply cleaning it and covering with a plaster can do the world of good.

Antiseptic Cream. This goes hand in hand with plasters. Something else a cut may simply need is cleaned then some antiseptic rubbed in. This does sting a lot but as your child is probably itching to get back out doors to avoid infection it’s important to make sure any open wound is kept clean. Antiseptic cream also comes in the spray form which I’ve heard stings less, but my kid is so awkward that she hates spray bottles (I found out the hard way with spray on sun lotion).

After Sun. Speaking of sun lotion, I do keep a bottle of after sun in my first aid box, although I cannot express enough that your kid should be wearing high factor sun lotion and burning shouldn’t even occur. But just in case, I’ve missed a spot or I haven’t managed to get the lotion on in time, the after sun is there to help soothe any red places and it’s even good for cooling the sun if your child ends up over heating.

Vapour Rub. Another product I find more vital during cold season is vapour rub. You can get some child friendly ones that are useable from 3 months+ and now my daughter is three I tend to apply it everywhere when she’s finding it difficult to breathe. On her back and chest, on her pillowcase, and I even use a plug in for her bedroom room at night. Like me, my daughter is prone to coughs and colds (I clearly had no antibodies to give while pregnant!) and I find vapour rub much better than simply dosing her up with pain relief.

Dealing with Eczema. Eczema is a lot more common in children that most people realise and it’s something my daughter has struggled with since she was very small. We have tried all sorts of creams, stuff that goes in the bath and that’s all good and well until you pop her to bed and she proceeds to claw at herself all night. This is why I swear by Scratch Sleeves. They protect her arms and legs so she can’t scratch herself silly while she’s asleep!

Arnica Gel & Freezable Ice Packs. Lets face it, the most injuries you’ll encounter as a parent are bruises, especially when they’re at the age where they are still unsteady on their feet. I learned early on the most use items from my first aid box would be ice packs and arnica gel. Arnica gel helps reduce bruising and the pain of bruising and the ice packs are fun and perfect for bumped heads. Much better than the old school bag of peas.

Allergy Medicine. I know this might seem like a bit of an odd one, but having something in that is great for allergies is important because kids are much more sensitive than adults to changes. And then there is the whole issue of hayfever! One season my kid has it, then she doesn’t, it’s so strange!

And lets not forget the magical powers of a cuddle and a kiss, my daughter said that my cuddles are so magical that they make her feel better after she hurts herself, and thankfully as parentswe all have an abundance of those!

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