What Will Your Legacy Be?*
You know the saying “YOLO”? It’s cringe worthy, right? But there is some truth behind the “you’ll only live once” concept. You get one life and yes, we all have to work and do house chores, we are tied to responsibilities and life can be a total bitch, but you should also make the very best of it. Go on that holiday, buy that dress, travel around, write that book.. do what you can to make the very best out of this short life.
As a mother you don’t want to think about the inevitable but in the same way, you do. You want to make sure you have everything in place in case the very worst happens. Make sure you have a will from a reputable place like Slater Gordon Lawyers and life insurance is a good one too. I don’t want to think about ever being parted from LM, but I do, and it scares me. Knowing I have things in place should the worst happen, helps a little.
So, after you’ve gone, what would you like to be remembered for? What would you like your legacy to be? Not all of us can be a celebrity, a big name politician, invent something that changes to world or cures a disease. The every day person leaves a legacy in a different way, they’re remembered only by the people they met and their loved ones. But at the end of the day, that’s all that matters.
Here are three things I’d like to be remembered for;
Being a Good Mother
I haven’t always been great with kids. I never wanted to be a teacher, and when I was really little I just wanted a big house filled with animals, especially cats. Then I fell pregnant with my daughter. And yeah, even while pregnant I wasn’t a natural (although that could be the circumstances) but as soon as I held my little girl, she was the only thing I care about. Making her happy. Living for her. And I did. Even when things were at their bleakest in the first few months of her life, I lived because I wanted to be a good mother for her. So when I’m old, and LM has her own kids, she can tell them how much of an amazing mother I was and we can laugh together remembering our amazing adventures just the two of us.
Writing a Book
I REALLY want to finish one of my books. I have two on the go but work & life just keeps getting in the ways. Over the next few years I want to complete finish at least one of the books and it get published. Even if only people I know personally read it. I want to know I did it. Of course, having a blog is a similar way, and I’d like to think I’d still be writing it well into my 60s. But for some reason a book just seems to be long lasting in comparison to a few web pages on the Internet. I can already see what my book cover will look like, after I hire a competent Book cover designer of course. If I’m going to write a novel I need a good cover to draw people in!
Having Courage and Being Kind
Yes that is the mantra from Disney’s live action Cinderella, but it’s something that has stuck with me since I first saw the movie. Above all, I want to be remembered for the traits of courage and kindness. A few years back I was in an abusive relationship which in so many ways defined me as the person I am today. But I don’t want to be remembered for the PTSD, the anxiety or paranoia. I don’t want to be remembered as someone who struggles to connect with people. I want to be remembered as someone who despite everything she went through continued to have kindness and the courage to make a new life. A better life for her and her daughter.
What would you like to be remembered for?