How To Raise An Optimistic Child*
You may have an idea of an optimist being a perpetually happy, non-stop smiley individual who never seems to have an off day, and that’s just simply not the case. Optimists still get sad, they still have to deal with adversity, they still have moments when they don’t feel their best. The difference between an optimist and a pessimist is that the optimist will always try to remain hopeful about the future, even when life is giving them lemons. Some people are born optimists, and for others it takes a little practice, but everyone can become more optimistic over time with a little bit of effort. To help your child…
The Pros and Cons of Student Loans*
The last two weeks saw both A Level and GCSE students getting their results. It’s now over half my life since I got my GCSE results, and almost half my life since I got those A Level results that helped me decide which course my future was going to take. I went on to do a degree in Drama and Theatre Studies and while I have so many regrets about my choice of degree (it’s pretty useless and I can honestly say I barely mention it these days when it comes to jobs and qualifications), I have no regrets about going to university. I grew up in a small town…
Incredible Lifestyle Tricks For Busy Mommies*
If you are a busy mommy, you will probably know the woes of being one. Mornings start on a hectic note, and it is easy to feel drained by the time you reach your workplace. Even stay-at-home moms struggle with fatigue as they cook, clean, and do the housework. You cannot expect to relax even when back from work, with stuff like dinner and homework to handle. You feel tired and sleepy at the end of the day, but stress can cause sleep deprivation. But everything is worth it when you see the happy faces of your kids. Thankfully, you can do a bit to restore the balance and stay…
10 Ways to be a Super Saving Mum*
Have you realized that you kind of need to adapt some saving techniques to your lifestyle? Well, you’ve reached the right place. Take a look at our top 10 Tips and Hints on how to save and yet be a great mum. 1. Baby special benefits Don’t forget to mention that you have a little bay anytime you feel it is appropriate. There are different occasions in which you might benefit from this entitlement. 2. Arrange free babysitting We just love freebies, and organizing your small babysitting club among friends where each and every one of you will babysit the children of the others in rotation. This way you can…
How to Make Your Garden Child Friendly*
Transitioning to parenthood is a complicated process.. not only do you need to think of the immediate things a baby needs, but you also need to think of the future. And on part of that future, it’s about making your home and garden child friendly and child proof. Today, I’m thinking about the garden. These days your children can’t really go roaming the streets, in fact it’s not even really safe to let them play on your own street at least not without constant parent supervision. Even looking back only 20 years ago, I was allowed from a young age to walk 10 minutes to the park, or cycle around…
Popular Ways to Spend Your Spare Time as a Mum*
Life as a mum can be extremely busy and tiring, particularly for those who have younger children. It’s little wonder therefore that mums are keen to make the most of their spare time through activities that will enable them to enjoy some relaxation, have some fun, indulge in some exciting entertainment and simply take time out of their busy lives. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways that you can make the most of your spare time as a mum, many of which you can enjoy at home so if you are looking after little ones you can still look forward to the chance to relax. Of course, as all parents…