
The Benefits of Music Lessons in Schools*

Taking music lessons from an early age is proven to have several benefits for children. If you’re not quite sure about committing, here is a list of benefits a private school in Essex shares.

Developing the Left Side of the Brain

An interesting fact is that being able to understand the music language can improve the function of the left side of the brain. This is the side that is responsible for processing language and reasoning. This is thought to also improve IQ as a study conducted by  E. Glenn Schellenberg in 2004 revealed.

Focus and Stress Relief

Playing a musical instrument requires total attention. This can help teach children the valuable skill of being able to focus the mind and create clarity when faced with anxiety.

A Sense of Achievement

It gives children a sense of personal achievement when learning to play a beautiful melody as well as something to strive for.

Music Is a Fun Hobby

Learning how to play a new instrument is only half the fun. Being able to create your own unique sounds and experiment can be very fulfilling for children and be a great means of self-expression.

Music Improves Mathematical Skill

Although very different, music teaches fractions, proportions and ratios in the form of rhythms.

Building Fine Motor Skills and Muscle Development

Learning how to play an instrument also aids in the development of fine motor skills. This is the skill to use small muscles in the hands to coordinate movements such as pressing, holding and gripping.

Music Teaches Discipline

Music allows children to learn patience and perseverance as they learn something completely new. While they may initially want to learn and become an overnight sensation, they are taught to be patient until they fully master their skill.

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