Our Easter 2017 Plans
Today the Easter holidays start at Little Miss school! I can’t believe it’s been a whole term since LM went back after Christmas and now she only has one term left of her first year at school, that’s scary. But before I think about that, I have her at home for two whole weeks and we have so much planned! I’m sure because we do have so much planned it’s going to fly by but at least I know we’ll have lots of fun, fingers crossed we get some good weather for it.
Anyway today, before I head along to LM’s end of term assembly, I thought i’d share some of our plans for the next two weeks. Of course we’ll be doing our usual, walks along the prom so she can practice on her bike, baking, crafts with my mum, maybe she’ll even get to go swimming but we have some much more fun things planned both within the family and out of it, it’s definitely going to be an exciting Easter break.
Sleep Over
Tonight we’re turning our weekly pizza party into a sleepover! My sister and I have been to the supermarket and stocked up on goodies and tonight LM and I are staying at her house. She has a really big and comfy sofa I’ll be sleeping on and a pull out bed for LM. We’re going to make pizzas, eat snacks and watch movies, and no doubt my sister and I will consume a few glasses of wine.
There is a little story behind this. Every Friday my parents get a take away when my dad finishes work and because they want to be alone my dad pays for my sister and I to get pizza together with the kids and watch a movie at one of our houses. We’ve done it for a couple of months now and we all really love our Friday evenings together. If we’re at my house I build the kids a fort, if we’re at my sister’s she has some crafts for them. Since they’re on school holidays we decided to take it a step further and turn it into a sleep over!
Quentin Blake Exhibition
Next week LM and I are off to Newcastle for the Quentin Blake exhibition at the Laing Art Gallery. I’m working hard on embracing what we have in the North East and trying to expose LM to as much culture as possible without boring her, Quentin Blake seems a nice combination of the two. We’ll probably do a bit of a shopping in Primark and the Disney Store, grab lunch and maybe a Starbucks. It’ll be a nice day out, just the two of us.
Right now, LM doesn’t really know who Quentin Blake is, she’s not quite up to Roald Dahl but she’ll get there soon. I on the other hand grew up loving Dahl’s stories and Blake’s crude illustrations. Seeing some original art work is a bit of a dream come true!
Mad Hatters Tea Party
In our local village there is a charity Mad Hatters Tea Party to raise funds to help improve the village over Easter weekend. They did a similar thing at Christmas and it was a lot of fun. I love supporting local events especially when there is so much effort gone into the planning. LM will of course be in attendance dressed as Alice, I want my nephew to dress up too but it’s highly unlikely! Oh well, LM will enjoy that aspect of it!
Easter Sunday Egg Hunt & Brunch
My sister has a bigger house than I do, and a bigger garden, so we decided to host an Easter brunch on Easter Sunday at hers. The brunch aspect is what i’m in charge of and I plan on having loads of pastries, fruit, bucks fizz for my parents, the kids and ourselves. She’s putting together an Easter egg hunt and crafts for the kids (as she’s a super talented artist.) It’s very rare we ever host anything at our houses so I’m looking forward to really making it special for my parents. I really appreciate that my mum supports the fact we refer to religious holidays such as Easter and Christmas as family times rather than celebrating the Jesus aspect (neither of us believe).
Disneyland Paris
Finally as I’ve mentioned a few times we’re off to Disneyland Paris for the 25th Anniversary celebrations and we are both so excited! We’re there for 3 nights, 4 days and we’re flying for a change. There are so many new things to experience that we’re going to be super busy! We have two new shows to watch, new character meet spots and a new parade, along with a character meal at Auberge de Cendrillon one of the days. I also want to try Vapiano one night as the pasta looks delicious and it’s so cheap for a sit down restaurant. Little Miss is looking forward to being reunited with Peter and Wendy as well as meeting Belle at Studios, and we’re both so psyched to ride Star Tours! It’s definitely going to be a busy trip!