TV Show Tie In Toys My Daughter Loves
I’m not going to lie, TV has always been a particularly large part of my daughter’s childhood. As I’m self employed I’ve always needed those few hours every day to do some form of work or admin and although I don’t believe in letting TV be a substitute parent, she does watch it at least once a day. Because of this a lot of the toys my daughter has enjoyed playing with over the years have been part of the merchandise promotion for kids TV shows. She’s had In The Night Garden Toys, and Mister Maker Art Sets, Ben & Hollie’s Little Kingdom figures and she even went through a…
Getting Through Chicken Pox with ViraSoothe*
Remember I mentioned that Little Miss had chicken pox over Easter and I was going to write about it, well here we go. As a parent one of the of childhood viruses you’re constantly on the look out for is the chicken pox. Every parent wants their child to get it but at the same time, they dread it because the amount of work can be daunting. I vaguely remember having chicken pox as a child. I was 7 or 8 and I remember my cheeks being bright red and itchy. I also remember the week off school and the fact we watched ET for the first time. LM fell…
Days Out in England – Quentin Blake: Inside Stories at Laing Art Gallery
Despite being ill on Tuesday, Little Miss and I had a day away to Newcastle, just the two of us. We’d been offered complimentary tickets to the Quentin Blake: Inside Stories at the Laing Art Gallery, and being a huge Blake fan, I just had to go. So we hopped on an early train (train tickets having been bought using my Nectar points) and headed down to the city for a few hours. After a morning of shopping and a terrible lunch, I was feeling all but defeated but thankfully the exhibit was lovely and well worth the trip for. I know what you’re thinking, an art gallery with a…
Little Miss’ Last Day of Pre-School
Well today was a big day, one I’ve been dreading but one Little Miss has been so excited about. After three & a half years Little Miss has said goodbye to her nursery and pre-school as she gets ready to make the huge leap to primary school! I cannot believe I had a daughter whom is old enough to start school in September. I remember the first time I held her and she was tiny, starting school seemed so far into the future yet it’s now only 7 weeks away. I’m not ready, but I know she is and she said goodbye to the staff and some of her friends…
Hello Four!
As I mentioned in my post on Wednesday, Little Miss turned four this week, on Thursday actually. I cannot believe my baby is now a big girl four year old, I keep having to say it out loud to make it feel real! We had a really lovely day, just family and even my dad had managed to get the day off which is something that never happens during the week. When I was putting Little Miss to be that night she told me that it was her “best day ever” and that’s a lot coming from someone who regularly spends time in the most magical places on Earth! At…
Goodbye Three
Today is Little Miss’ last day as a three year old. Tomorrow it’s her 4th birthday. To me, four seems so much older than three. Last year when she went from two to three it didn’t feel like as a big a step. Three still feels like a baby age, or at least a toddler age. But lets face it, four is a big step. At four she’s going to start big school, and wear a uniform and be away from me 6 hours a day for 5 days a week. And I’m dreading it. I’m not ready for that baby stage to be over with in case I never…