TV Show Tie In Toys My Daughter Loves
I’m not going to lie, TV has always been a particularly large part of my daughter’s childhood. As I’m self employed I’ve always needed those few hours every day to do some form of work or admin and although I don’t believe in letting TV be a substitute parent, she does watch it at least once a day. Because of this a lot of the toys my daughter has enjoyed playing with over the years have been part of the merchandise promotion for kids TV shows. She’s had In The Night Garden Toys, and Mister Maker Art Sets, Ben & Hollie’s Little Kingdom figures and she even went through a Peppa Pig phase thanks to my parents. I’m happy to say she’s moved onto TV shows with some structure that I am happy to watch with her such as Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir (a personal favourite), Elena of Avalor and Rescue Bots. She also loves Disneylife and catching up on shows I adored as a kid such as Gummi Bears, Goof Troop and Ducktales. It’s safe to say toys of shows she watches regularly make her wishlist.
Today I’m sharing some of the shows she watches that we have tie in toys for as it’s so easy to get pulled into the merchandising world!
Who knew that a show I loved so much would end up being LM’s all time favourite TV show? She eats, sleeps and breathes Pokemon. When she grows up she wants to be a Pokemon master. She’s seen all the episodes and obviously wants all the merch. After Drama on a Saturday we go to WH Smith and she gets one packet of Pokemon cards to add to her collection. She has a few plush toys, books, DVDs and art supplies. I love the show and it’s something we watch together. There is a real plotline running through it which particularly appeals to me as an adult and it’s great that the early seasons that I watched as a kid are still as awesome today.
My Little Pony
My Little Pony is another franchise I adored as a child, however it’s had a major face lift since I collected ponies to the point it’s barely recognisable but actually in my opinion, it’s for the best. My daughter has watched seasons 1-5 on Netflix and the episodes I caught I really enjoyed. Again it has an on going plot and the characters change and grow as the season progresses. You get to know the characters and pick favourites which of course is where the merch really coins in. LM has My Little Pony clothes, art supplies but she particularly loves the month magazine that comes with a figure and the sets you can buy from places like Argos. My parents bought her Twilight’s Library for Christmas which is can play with at theirs.
Anything on Disney Channel
Unsurprisingly 90% of my daughter’s toys and DVD are Disney, and not all of it is from Disney movies, a lot (especially at my parents house) is merchandise from TV shows. I don’t have Disney Channel at home but they do so my mum and dad watch a lot of shows with my daughter and nephew. This means while my parents are away from the day they come home with the latest popular toy which stays in their playroom. Little Miss has gone through so much Sofia, my nephew Jake and the Neverland Pirates then the popular favourite between the two, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and now the spin off, Mickey’s Roadster Racers. At least we know we’re getting good quality when buying!
The Littlest Pet Shop
A new one LM is getting into as she progresses from Tiny Pop to Pop is Littlest Pet Shop. Again something else I remember from my childhood but like with My Little Pony it’s had a total make over! Last year she received a little figure in a My Geek Box last year. It was stored in a box as we didn’t know much about it but since she started to watch the TV show it’s been dug out again and now she’s constantly looking out for more. They don’t seem to be as popular these days but i’m hopeful we’ll come across some at car boots this summer.
There are always new shows coming on the TV. Some based on current franchises, comics or just a completely new creations, but there are always toys that go with it so I guess I’ll never run out of things to buy for birthday’s and christmases! Little Miss is about to fall into the Bush Baby World and your little one can too. Perfect if they enjoy the cute and fuzzy as much as LM does!