5 Date Ideas for People with Disabilities*
When it comes to love and dating, there is no discrimination, everyone is entitled to the chance to find their happily ever after. The sad part of course is, those with disabilities still have it harder than those without. And that doesn’t matter if it’s a visible or hidden disability. Thankfully though, the world is (slowly) moving towards a fairer future and thanks to the internet and wonderful bloggers and vloggers out there, everyone has a helping hand when it comes to dating, whether they’re able bodied or disabled. Thanks to wonderful people on YouTube like Jenna Farmer, dating doesn’t seem like such an inaccessible life goal for those with…
Questions Answered About Buying Black Diamond Jewellery*
As you get older, you come across obstacles you never expected would be obstacles when you were a child, and one of these such obstacles is buying jewellery. When you’re a kid, you pop into whatever high street store and you’re attracted to tall the shiny, brightly coloured objects that cost your pocket money only. But what about when you’re an adult with an income and you want to buy some jewellery as an investment. Do you know what you’re looking for? And if not, this is why doing your research is important. Today I’m going to be answering some questions about black diamonds that will hopefully help you see…
Three Things To Consider When Starting a BDSM Journey*
After one whole year in limbo, there is hopefully some light at the end of the tunnel and it’ll be time to start navigating a world after lockdown. For a lot of people that has been months spent on their own, and it’s natural for them to be looking at ways and even new ways to make a connection, be it for love or be it purely for sex. If during lockdown you have decided you want something more from your sex life, and you’re considering exploring a new kink, good for you! One of the most common kinks is of course, BDSM and in this day and age, there…
Five Safety Tips for BDSM Beginners*
There is no denying this whole past year has been a complete write off. A lot of people have struggled and felt alone, and if that’s you, it’s natural you’re feeling eager to get back out there and maybe even try something new when it comes to dating. Whether it be a string of romances, dating around or even a new kink, for example, BDSM, the most important thing to keep in mind is staying safe, especially in a COVID world. Ensure you follow the guidelines that are set out to help keep you and others safe. If you do decide to explore an exciting BDSM relationship, here are 5…
Free Stuff for Everyone in Your Family*
Perhaps you have come across a site offering UK free stuff and you are wondering if there are items for you and your entire family. ABSOLUTELY. Free stuff is available to all kinds of people of all ages. From infants to seniors, there is something out there for everyone. Stop wasting time! Let’s get started as soon as possible. Free Stuff for Babies If you are pregnant or you have just given birth, there are tons of freebies available for you. Free wipes Free food for babies Free nappies Free items for the nursery…and this list continues… Having a baby is a very rewarding and memorable experience, but the costs…
How you can Benefit From Financial Mindfulness*
What is Financial Mindfulness? Until you can get yourself into a stable financial situation you won’t be able to thrive in your life. This is so important for having that kind of life you enjoy and will remember for years to come. Financial mindfulness helps you to achieve this. It’s the practice of using meditation, insight, and practical tools to help to improve your financial awareness and better your life situation. The Benefits of Financial Mindfulness As with everyday mindfulness there are several life enhancing benefits of concentrating your efforts on your money and finances. There is more mindfulness around what you need and want which reduces your spending, stress,…