Guest Post // Why Have I Never Got Anything To Wear?
This is my final, final guest post and I’m so honored that it’s by Donna of Polkadot Pink. Donna is one of the loveliest bloggers I happen to interact with on the interweb and if you like my blog, you’ll love hers so please check it out!
Why, hello there! I’m Donna from Polkadot Pink, a self-confessed clothing addict and lover of all things spotty and dotty. It’s a pleasure to meet you as a guest here on Amy’s blog. I don’t know about you, but I love Amy’s quirky mix of posts about beauty, lifestyle, fashion and, of course, her beautiful little miss. I also admire her kick ass attitude. Go on lass! Have you noticed? I like to talk. Now you know me, let’s move on!
Maybe you’re like me. A wardrobe bursting at the seams, yet never anything to wear? As The Smiths succinctly put it, ‘I would go out tonight, but I haven’t got a stitch to wear.’ There was never a truer word said sang. Yet, with over 300 items of clothing to my name (yes, you heard me right, 300) how is it scientifically possible that I struggle to find things to wear?
A survey by QVC found that the average woman has 22 unworn items of clothing that she refuses to throw away. When surveys are conducted, I always wonder; Who do they ask? What questions do they ask? Why am I never asked? My my, they’d have a field day in my closet. I daren’t count them all, there’s more than 22 in my eBay pile. (I can almost hear my mother tutting with disdain at this fact.)
It is shocking. Just shocking. Self-consciousness, anxiety and the excitement of a night out can cause me to reach for my purse. My vice? Pretty patterned dresses. Fruits, pugs, kittens, owls, skulls, bows, dots, stripes, hearts, horses, ladybirds, cards: all cute, all adorable but never anything to match. That was when I decided to go on a prints ban.
But that didn’t work. When Lent rolled around, I banned myself from buying dresses. What’s more, I made myself whittle my collection down to just 27. Why 27? Because I love the film, 27 Dresses, that’s why. You can read about my plight here. I made the ultimate error of sharing my Lenten Promise with the children in my class. As a role model, I couldn’t go back on my word. It worked. However, it’s only now that I’m getting round to listing them all on eBay. God bless the summer holidays!
So, how can we make sure we’ll never buy anything we won’t wear again? Liz Jones, of the Daily Mail, offers useful advice such as shopping alone, buying for your current body shape, buying clothes that suit your lifestyle. But, where’s the fun in that? Shopping with friends and family gives me the thrill and excitement that’s surely included in the price tag. Shopping alone? That’s just ludicrous!
And surely is having over 300 items, but the best thing about clothes? I’m sure you’ll agree, the way they make you feel when you do finally find the perfect outfit to wear. There aren’t many feelings that beat twirling in a new dress, walking tall in a new pair of heels or knowing you’ve found the most unique and perfect dress for you. Ah!
It’s been a pleasure to take over Amy’s space, just for a fleeting moment. For now, I’m going to leave you with Liz and Liv from Liverpool One; two Scouse birds who get me.
A lover of clothes too?
Pop by and see me at Polkadot Pink, I’d love to see you there.

Emerald Dove
Great post – so interesting and so true! I have the exact same problem – I buy things then don’t wear them but can’t bear to throw them away! 🙂
Helen Louise
I always have this problem! I always think I’ll have the confidence one day or will loose weight. I never do 🙁
My blog – Cosmetics, clothes and cute things (:
being erica
great post donz!
It’s interesting how many “therapies” we can design to “fix” ourselves. As a novel shopaholic I asked a veteran one (friend of mine) how she managed to survive. Her advice was this: instead of buying many cheap/so-so items, just be more selective and buy just few high-end ones. But then I’m sure that whenever I get a spot I’ll cry to death! My last attempt to avoid buying 3 [lovely] skirts in H&M [that looked perfect on me] that I didn’t need at all was to use my new rule: if you cannot choose 1 out of all of them, just don’t buy any. I wonder how long this rule will prevail^^.
Beau Maquillagex
This is such a great post! I am just like this, I have a million and one outfits but never want to wear any of them 🙁 haha, I found this very interesting, thanks for sharing 😀 xo
Beaumaquillagex | Beauty & LIfestyle Blog