3 First Dates to Try Post Lock Down*
For the first time in a long time I’m starting to feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to some sort of normality after COVID 19. While I think it’ll be many years before the world resembles what it did before lock downs and closed borders and face coverings and vaccines, there is going to be something that will allow us to have the social interactions we so badly need. I have spent all three of the lock downs here in the UK on my own with my daughter, and I can tell you the loneliness is crippling. Not having other adults to talk to face to face has really taken it’s toll on me and I know I’m not alone. If you have spent any amount of time single during this pandemic, you will be feeling more than ready to get yourself out there and thankfully there is an array of online dating open to you, whether you want to look local, to connect with people of similar interest, or even if you want to date within your religion, for example christian dating, there is something out there for you. Believe me. Just hit up Google for what you’re looking for, putting in search terms like christian dating site, and I know you’ll find what you’re looking for.
If you have already made your connection, with England starting on their roadmap last month, you’ll probably be thinking about those first few crucial dates and where to go for them. So here are some great examples to try as we hit each level;
Picnic in Park
Currently here in England, you can meet up to 6 people or two households outside, this is why going for a picnic in the park is actually perfect. It’s a great way to meet someone for the first time, in an open public space, but due to distancing measures, enough privacy that you can get to know someone. Each plan to bring your favourite picnic foods to share, a blanket and if no one is driving, maybe even a little bottle of wine. Your body will be thankful for the vitamin D as well (and by this I mean sunshine!)
Visit Theme Park
Later on this month, theme parks will be permitted to open again as most of them are outdoors and will have safety measures in place like last summer. This is great news as a theme park date is always a lot of fun and something to do together. A lot of people will have been doing many video calls and talking, so now is the time to finally spend quality time together. Remember to hold hands if you get scared on those roller coasters!
Old Faithful, The Cinema Date
In May, indoor recreation is due to recommence and it’s time to finally go on that cinema date. I personally love the cinema especially for a date and you can tell a lot about a person by their choice in movies, their favourite snacks and how they behave while you’re watching. I seriously cannot wait for the cinema date to return and we have so many movies to look forward to!
Hopefully by June we’ll have a second of real normality and any date goes, but until then, it doesn’t mean we have to totally miss out!