5 Ways to Reduce Symptoms of Menopause*
There is no denying us women have it rough. Many years of menstruation which can disrupt our daily life and hormones that makes us crazy.. then just when we finally feel like we have a handle on it all, we’re plunged into the biggest turn around since our teens, menopause. While some welcome it, knowing that once it’s over it means the end of their “mensies” no more worrying about babies either, right? While others dread the change, find the whole thing overwhelming and haven’t got a clue where to turn. Doctors try and fob them off with hormone replacement therapy but what the really need is support. This is where MenoGodMum comes in. The Menopausal Godmother is a great online community where you can find support from others who have been through it or are going through it, as well as from experts along with coping tips for what you’re going through. There is also a book available on Amazon. Like with everything in life, sometimes just having someone who understands helps so much.
But here are 5 other natural ways to reduce symptoms of menopause;
Avoid Trigger Foods
As a woman, this is something you’ll have heard all your life tied to your cycle, and it very much continues into menopause, i’m afraid. Even more so if you eat them at night as they can be known to intensify hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings. The big four to watch out for are caffeine, alcohol and foods that are really sweet or really spicy.
Don’t Skip Meals
Eating regular meals is important when you go through menopause. It is known to make your weight fluctuate and eating regularly can help maintain a good metabolism. Not only that, it’s been proven that skipping meals during menopause can make some symptoms worse.
Take Natural Supplements
While the Doctors are known for pushing HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) onto women going through Menopause, it doesn’t always agree with everyone and it can make everything so much worse. But there are some natural PMS supplements you can take to help such as anything with red clover extract, black cohosh and evening primrose oil.
Drink Water
I know this is the answer to everything, but it really helps when going through menopause. A lot of women experience dryness when going through the change and drinking water can really help keep you hydrated and reduce bloating caused by continuous hormone changes.
Exercise Regularly
And the one that goes hand in hand with drinking water, exercising regularly. For years it’s been recommended to women to help with hormone problems. I know when I first got diagnosed with PCOS it was recommended to me as something that could help, but sometimes when you’re feeling rubbish, exercising is the last thing you want to do. But remember, even getting out for a walk is exercise!