Moving House Without Losing Your Mind*
Did you know that moving house is considered one of the most stressful life events you can face? If you’re lucky it can all move forward without too many hitches, never leaving you panicking about finding somewhere to live, but it still brings with it a whole job’s worth of admin, stress and sleepless nights, not to mention the expense! There are ways to help it go smoother though, between taking time out from the move all together and dividing jobs, you might be able to enjoy the big transition. Here are a couple of those ways that can help you get through it without too much of a headache;…
90s Nostalgia I Share With My Daughter – From the Spice Girls to Polly Pockets*
I was born in 1988 (yep, I’m 31 now) which made me a true 90s kid. I got those baby years out of the way in the late 80s, and I was ready to embrace all the weird and wacky things the decade had to offer kids. And boy, was it a weird 10 years! The fashion, the music, the toys.. the 90s really had it all! It also had the best kids tvs shows and some of the best Disney movies. I got to play outside in our two, ride my bike, climb trees. I honestly don’t feel sad that we didn’t have a computer in my house until…
5 Ways to Treat Your Mother for Mother’s Day*
Many children do not realize the hard work their mother puts into their care until they become a parent themselves. Mother’s Day is a special day of the year that is set aside to honor mothers and the many sacrifices they make. The woman who gave birth to you deserves the best treatment every day, but especially on Mother’s Day. Credit 5 Ways to Treat Your Mom on Mother’s Day No matter your age, your mother will always consider you to be her baby. You were formed in her womb and are a part of her. When Mother’s Day comes along, it is sometimes difficult for people to know how…
5 Ways to Save Money You Probably Haven’t Thought Of*
Once again, I have a lot of exciting trips in the works and really not enough money to pay them all off.. yet. The biggest is our trip to Walt Disney World in August 2020. This isn’t a budget one, this is a full on 14 days on site, Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween party and hopefully throw in a day at Universal Studios. Thankfully i’m taking well over a year to save and having done this kind of trip twice in the past, I know I can do it. But how, how you say! Because after a whole adulthood of living that champagne life on a lemonade budget, I’m…
3 Ways To Make A Holiday Affordable*
One of the things people on the Internet (and at the school gates) feel to need to ask me in regards to our Livvy Bird Adventures instagram is how do I afford to go on holiday with only one income. Of course, on the surface it’s not really anybodies business, as long as I pay my rent and bills, what I do with any extra money is up to me. But in the vein of wanting to help everyone have a holiday (because life is tough for most people and everyone deserves a break) I’m going to tell you three ways I make my holidays affordable. Obviously, what i’m going…
Teaching Your Kids to Respect Other Students*
Your children are going to meet lots of different people throughout their education and their lives as a whole. It’s important that they learn to respect their peers from a young age. Unfortunately, children are not born with an innate sense of respect for those around them, it’s something they have to learn. Manor House School have the following tips for parents who want to teach their kids to respect other students. Credit First and foremost, you must lead by example. Parents cannot possibly teach their kids respect by being disrespectful. Even when you’re angry at a waiter for bringing you the wrong meal, or your neighbour is being unreasonable,…