Teaching Your Kids to Respect Other Students*
Your children are going to meet lots of different people throughout their education and their lives as a whole. It’s important that they learn to respect their peers from a young age. Unfortunately, children are not born with an innate sense of respect for those around them, it’s something they have to learn. Manor House School have the following tips for parents who want to teach their kids to respect other students.
First and foremost, you must lead by example. Parents cannot possibly teach their kids respect by being disrespectful. Even when you’re angry at a waiter for bringing you the wrong meal, or your neighbour is being unreasonable, you should try to remain patient and kind so that your kids learn to do the same. Everyone makes mistakes and cruelty is not the way to react because your children will think it’s acceptable.
If you do notice your child being disrespectful, catch it early and teach them that it’s wrong. Tell them that in your family there are rules about the way you speak to one another and ensure there are consequences for disrespectful behaviour. Nipping it in the bud while your children are young will help you in the long run. Remind your kids to use their manners when speaking to others.
Try and teach your kids about different types of people, in terms of culture, class, age, gender etc. Explain that no two people are the same but we should treat each other as equals. That way, when they meet other children at school who have different backgrounds to them, they will be respectful towards them.