Christmas Content // Top Tips for Staying Safe When Decorating for Christmas
Christmas is fast approaching and over the next few weeks you’ll start to see an influx of Christmas lights and decorations all around. There’s something truly magical about the run up to Christmas, especially when you have younger children involved! With all of the excitement of this wonderful time of year, however, there are some important things to consider keeping yourself safe during the preparation stages. Safe Tree Positioning Whilst it may seem like an obvious thing to consider, many people choose to position their Christmas trees in an area that looks good, without considering the potential risks that may be in that certain space. Take a quick risk assessment…
Parenting Content // The Joy Of Moving Home With A Little One*
If you have a new little addition to the family, you are probably still bathing in the warm fuzzy feeling of being on cloud nine. Your gorgeous little bundle of joy is probably your sole focus at the moment, and you’re relishing everything that motherhood has to offer. However, on the horizon, you can see a challenging situation coming into view. Not so long ago you sold your property and bought yourself a new pad – one that is much more conducive to family living. Moving day is swiftly approaching, and you’re beginning to panic. You’ve only just got your little one into a sleep routine, he or she is…
Wedding Content // The Wedding Industry: Online vs Offline*
It’s getting to the point now that so many people rarely do anything unless it’s “Instagram worthy” from life announcements, to decorating and even what their kids wear. We’re all becoming more and more reliant on the digital world and how we’re perceived in it. In the past, organising a wedding has always been something you do in person. From viewing the venue, to trying on the gown and tasting that cake, it wasn’t something you could do over the Internet. However, is that about to change? Over the last year about 87% of UK consumers have bought at least one thing online, and a large proportion buy everything online…
Attracting and Retaining Tenants*
What is better: to keep your existing tenants or find new ones? It depends on the situation, but you should target both, and not just focus on one of them. That being said, it cannot be denied that keeping an existing tenant is less work and less stressful but what if your tenant isn’t the ideal one? So at some point, you do have to find new tenants. And once you do, you’ll want the good ones to stay so that your income stream is maintained. But the problem is that you have no idea how to rent out your house, attract quality tenants and then make them stay. Finding…
Garden Content // How to Make the Most of Your Greenhouse this Winter
When the colder months come around, many people assume that their greenhouse work is over until the springtime, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Winter may be a very cold season, but with the right accessories and essential pieces of equipment you can continue your gardening hobby right through to the year. Clean and Prepare Your greenhouse should be just as important as your home when it comes to cleaning. The last thing you want is to leave your greenhouse to gather dust and become dirty and unhygienic, as this is bad for both yourself and your plants. Make sure you prepare your greenhouse for the seasonal transition,…
Animal Content // War Dogs: The Role of Canines in World War One*
For centuries, dogs have helped humans around the world live and work. From herding and hunting to rescue and transportation, the belief that dogs are loyal, reliable and hard-working is universal. They have played a crucial role in creating a safer, cleaner and better society, but it was during the first half of the 20th century that canines perhaps took on their greatest role to assist mankind. Between 1914 and 1918, thousands of canines from family homes, dog pounds and police forces across the UK were recruited to help the Allies fight the central European forces in World War One. Taking on various dangerous job roles, these dogs were invaluable…