Relaxing Over Christmas
Lets face it, Christmas is the craziest time of year, especially for parents (or those working in catering or retail) as there is so much going on. It’s the one month of year my bestie and I fail to talk more than once or twice a week due to being so busy with Christmas prep. As a mother of a school or even pre-school age child there is always something going on. Last week we had a visit to Santa Claus and LM’s Christmas party. This week we have Christmas market, LM is going to a dance show of the class she’s starting in January, end of term and so on. As they get older it just gets worse. Not to mention food prep, present wrapping, card writing which takes up a lot of everyone’s evening. But sometimes it just feels good to take a night off.
Last week I was sent a fantastic parcel filled with goodies to help me relax over Christmas. Like every other week of the year, taking time out for me time is vital to avoid the stress and headache the holiday season undoubtedly brings. So tonight I’m taking a night off from Christmas to really indulge (especially after the emotional day I’ve had, which is another story in itself) and I’m going to share the 5 things that really help me relax.
What would a relaxing night in be without some class A treats? Part of my parcel was a tub of the most decadent hot chocolate ever, Salted Caramel from Whittard of Chelsea. That along with some new Gingerbread Butterkist Popcorn (which is so tasty, perfect combination of sweet and hot, I was pleasantly surprised) and I’m all set. I know over Christmas my dad will keep sending me home with wine so just for tonight my tipple is hot chocolate, and I definitely feel warmer and happier for drinking it.
I know I’ve mentioned this many many times but my go to for relaxing is a hot bubble bath, especially when there is Lush involved. I was so excited to use my Father Christmas bathbomb which smells amazing, and it’s the first Christmas product I’ve got my hands on. The combination of the sweet scent and the bubbles was bliss and just what I needed to clear my head. I also finally managed to sort my eyebrows too, which was long over due.
Post bath I’m all about the manicure and moisturising. Nothing feels better than coating yourself in body butter and moisturiser and giving your nails a fresh lick of nail varnish. I swear I feel a million times better after spending some time of improving my appearance. I know it’s really shallow but it’s true and at this time of year it’s good to feel happy about yourself especially if you intend on spreading good will to everyone else. Doing my hair with a new hair dryer and straightners tonight was amazing, this Babyliss Bundle* from Bright House is just what I needed as mine are on the way out. I didn’t even realise how long my hair was only an inch or too until it touches my butt now haha.
Mindless Entertainment
Lets face it, if you are really trying to relax you want an activity where you don’t have to think. Netflix, magazines, a book or a board game are all perfect for this. Usually if I’m pampering I often flick through a magazine to look for inspiration. I haven’t been reading much lately because although it can be a mindless activity I always get way too involved in a book. I’m all out of seasons to watch on Netflix too until I dedicate myself to something new. So tonight I’ve settled for a magazine and re-runs of New Girl. Jess Day is my ultimate girl crush.
Early Night
I seem to have so many late nights over the holiday period, and no I’m not talking about nights out. Who knew how long gift wrapping or card writing can actually take? One night I was still wrapping gifts at 2am! It’s one of those time consuming things that you don’t even realise how long you’ve taken until you check the clock! In the Black Friday sales I treated myself to a memory foam mattress topper and I took the time to finally put it on my bed. It feels so comfortable and I can guarantee that along with my two quilts I’m going to manage a blissful nights sleep.
Together all these things make for my ultimate relaxing night, unless of course I was at a spa drinking champagne of course!