Living with Little Miss, One Year On*
Timehop told me that this week is one year since I found out that I had a home. After a year of living in my parent’s box room with a baby, I was finally going to have a house and Little Miss was finally going to have her own room. My sister’s birthday next month marks a year of moving in. I’m still working hard to make our house into a home, it’s by no means perfect but I don’t have the skills or the money to finish it off all at once. It continues to be a work in progress.
Even though I’m only twenty six, I have moved every year bar one since I was eighteen. That’s a lot of places to live. I of course lived in uni accommodation where everything is fixed and the only places that you can make personal are your notice board and your bed. I also lived in a grotty house share where everything was falling apart but we didn’t really care. And finally I have lived in four houses with boyfriends. My first long term boyfriend I moved in with at 20 and we lived together at three different addresses. We moved in together after only a year, which looking back now seems pretty fast at such a young age. No wonder we were bored of each other by 22! I was worse with my daughters father, it was only 10 months before I lived with him and that lasted an even shorter amount of time! However a recent survey shows i’m not alone in moving in together fast, a recent survey states that 23% of couples move in together within the first six months relationship! However, I will say as you get older this doesn’t seem as big a deal, most of the time it’s just for convenience.
So this is the first house that is solely mine and it’s also the first time I have been in a home as the only adult. At first it terrified me, having all the responsibility, but once I got everything worked out and set up, I realised that in the past, any place i’ve shared with a guy, I was the one who dealt with everything, from the cleaning and cooking to sorting out the bills, which seems to be the norm according to the above survey. The most they ever did was the DIY and dealing with the spiders, like the other 68% of men from the same survey. Although this is the first time my home is decorated to my taste, and the truth be told? I love it. I love walking through my home and seeing everything is how I’d like it, from my pink polka dot towels in the bathroom to my matching teal kettle and toaster in the kitchen. There is Disney everywhere, in every single room in fact! I won’t lie, it has been hard, I swear everything is so much more expensive than when I first lived away from home. But my favourite thing about this house, is that I haven’t had to compromise on anything!
I’ve included the infographic below as it’s quite entertaining to see, mainly for me because I no longer have to deal with any of the debates that come with sharing a house with a guy!

The His and Hers Apartment – Decor and DIY who is in charge? – An infographic from The Furniture Market
All in all, a year into my sole cohabitation with only my daughter, I definitely prefer to live with her. It’s so nice to know that at the end of the day, what I say goes, which isn’t something I had the luxury of in the past. I look forward to the day she can help me with chores around the house though!
You can see all my posts about turning this house to a home here, if you missed them all last year!

One Comment
Hayley Warren
Living with a guy is the worst! I love your house, it’s so cosy 🙂