• Life

    #171 Living with Anxiety (for lack of a more witty title..)

    Credit here At the end of every relationship, we accumulate more baggage. In the past decade I’d say I’ve had four boyfriends who have left me with baggage after we’ve parted ways, however the first three were nothing compared to the relationship I walked away from last May. Not only did I walk away with a child, a broken computer, a cracked iPhone screen and a hell of a lot of a bills to pay on a house I didn’t live in for the last five months of the tenancy.. but he destroyed my state of mind. Completely and utterly shattered it. Not just because of the kind of relationship…

  • Life

    My Hair Through The Years

    It’s hair week here at Cocktails in Teacups! This week I’ll be bringing you hair related posts, well the hair on your head anyway. I figured it was a good theme because although I am rubbish at styling my hair, despite dying it monthly, my hair is in great condition and grows like wildfire, so I must know something, right? I have some product reviews, some information posts, DIY and finally some link ups to some of my favourite hair related posts on other blogs, so hopefully there is something for everyone.. I understand not everyone reads my blog for beauty but I really just want to book end all…

  • Life

    #97 Happy Easter!

    Easter Basket made by my mum I hope everyone has enjoyed their extra long weekend? I know I have and for me that’s a rarity as I’m sure you are all well aware of how much I hate the weekend! For once there was peace, patience and fun under our extremely over crowded roof. No arguements, geeky chats and a lot of food, just what I was hoping for. For once my dad was on fine form, it was like the dad we grew up with, not the old grump that we have today that works too much and drinks too much because he worries too much and sleeps too…

  • Life

    #80 Twenty Five, My Silver Jubilee

    Today is my twenty fifth birthday. If I didn’t have Little Miss I would not feel twenty five in anyway, but since I have the responsibility of being a mother, I do feel that I could be that old. Even though my mum has joked all day it’s my Silver Jubilee, I haven’t done anything special.. I didn’t get parades or a ride down the river in a boat. Nope. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t had a good day, because I have, it’s been a really nice day. I mean I would of liked to have seen one or all of my friends. I would of liked to have…