Insta-Month January
The highlights were… New years day at my Grandparents, seeing Frozen at the local cinema I LOVED IT & Little Miss’ Birthday! I didn’t do much in January with my spending ban and both Little Miss and I have been ill.
Some things I have been loving… Pokemon haha, since I’ve downloaded the Cartoons HD on my iPad Little Miss and I have been loving it! Getting back into a sleep routine, sleeping for more than two hours is wonderful. The Frozen soundtrack.
My favourite purchase.. My DSLR camera. Technically I bought this last month but it arrived this month. I got the Canon 1100D, which isn’t a top of the range one but it’s a great starter SLR that I’m really enjoying learning on.
Biggest regrets have been…I don’t think i’ve had any this month… That I didn’t manage to read four books only three?
Next month I hope… It’s as decent as January. Please let 2014 be my year!
Next month I’m looking forward to… Seeing my best friend Bee and painting my staircase.
I apologise for the lack of posts this week but both Little Miss and I have had a horrible virus which has meant I’ve been in bed before 8pm! It hasn’t all been bad as I’ve managed to sort out my sleeping pattern FINALLY. Plus Little Miss and I have been watching stuff on my iPad together in bed, she even had to sleep in with me a couple of times due to her bad cough. It has been nice especially with it being her birthday this week.
January has been a decent month, I can’t complain too much apart from being ill. I hope the rest of the year continues in this vain.
Did you do anything exciting this month?

Tania Franco
This month I’ve stuck to an exercise routine! Hope I keep it up the whole year. 🙂
Crimson Ebolg
Amy! I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. I’m glad that’ you’ve had a good start to the year, and I hope 2014 brings you happiness, love and prosperity -x-
Issy Goode
I hope you both get better soon! Sounds like you had a lovely January, bar the illness, hopefully February is just as good for you and the little one! (:
Clare Brown
Can’t believe January has been and gone! Looks like you had a nice wee month, hope your feeling better soon. Look forward to 2014 & all it has in store for us!
Bee Happy and Healthy