April Reads
I keep thinking I did really badly on my book reading this month, but in actual fact, I didn’t. I technically only read one books, but since the second book I started mid April is 800 pages odd long in tiny print with hundreds of characters, I don’t think it’s surprising i’m not even a third of the way through. Yes, you guessed it, I started to read A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. I’m only 200 pages into the first book Game of Thrones and it’s hard going, but I’m enjoying it.
The book I did manage to read happened to be a tour guide, a tour guide for Disneyland Paris! I have read it cover to cover and as you can see, I’ve gone a little post it note happy. I plan on using my dad’s marker tomorrow to note on each post it note what it is marking. I’m one of these people that has to research the place i’m going and plan what i’m going to do while there. Not only that, this book has loads of tips and secrets that help to enhance your trip such as best views for parades, where to meet characters etc which is very important since I’m going with Little Miss who can’t go on many rides so we have to find other things to do. This tour guide is probably the best I’ve ever read. Everything is explained in great detail meaning I’m completely clued up before going. My mum is rubbish when it comes to traveling so she’s left everything up to me. I’m going to do it for my Washington DC and New York guides so I’m ready for my next trip.
So that’s all I’ve managed to get through in April, what did you read? Don’t forget to follow me on Good Reads!

I’ve got the Song of Ice and Fire books stacked up and ready to read but I keep putting it off. Instead I’ve read my way through quite a few new books, which has been lovely. I’m currently slushing my way through a Cathy Kelly book I picked up on a jumble stall in the market square last weekend.
I think I only managed one book in April- SHOCKING! x
I made it my NY resolution to read 1 book a month and im already 1 book behind! Hope you got some good tips from the Paris book… im going in 2 weeks… can’t wait!
Zoe Archer
I really want to start reading that series of books, but not sure if I will enjoy them