Having a Better Period with WUKA*
Does anyone else just dread when their period rolls around? I do, it’s just such an inconvenience and it feels so unfair that men don’t need to deal with all the up front thinking you have to do around it. Do I have enough sanitary products? Have I got some pain killers? Do I have anything on that my period is going to mess with because of cramps or what I want to wear? My first day I need to know I have plenty of time to relax and I need to work around that. But as very few of us are able to predict exactly what day will be…
5 Reasons to Buy Antique Jewellery*
This piece is an #AD in collaboration with Carus Jewellery. I don’t know about you but I’ve always been a sucker for anything vintage and antique, especially if I know there is a story behind it. It just feels more special than something bought new in a store these days. Probably to do with the fact that it feels like we’re living in such a consumer world, that walking into a store and swiping your credit card is the done thing! But with something vintage or antique, you know when it was originally sold and purchased it wasn’t as easy, and more so, you know that there would be fewer…
Six Good Reasons to Visit Edinburgh This Year*
*Collaborative piece. The spending money was gifted by Hotels.com, but all views are my own. Every year I say I’m going to make more of an effort to explore the UK, but then never get around to doing it. This year that’s going to change and I really a going to see more. Most people cannot wait to jet off abroad where they’re almost guaranteed beautiful sunshine and white sandy beaches, I’m among them. However, it means I’ve reached the ripe old age of 31 without hardly seeing anywhere. This has got to change. So I’m taking a stand, I’m going to see more places closer to home and I…
Making Adventures Affordable with Groupon*
This is a sponsored post but all opinions expressed are my own. With having such a popular Instagram account we do often get questions about how I can afford it as a single mum. And the truth is, with a lot of budgeting! I love to travel, I have always had itchy feet and nothing gets me more excited than planning an adventure for Little Miss and I, be it to Disney or else where. Our next trip is a weekend to London at the end of March and i’m so excited to get planning child friendly activities. This will be Little Miss’ first ever trip to London that isn’t…