Christmas Eve 2016
A couple of days ago I blogged about what we got up to during the Christmas season as we did a lot in the run up to the big day. I also have two more posts to write on the matter as I love to keep a log to look back on. I have a post to write about what we did on Christmas Day, and then today’s post which is all about our Christmas eve. Before starting I loved that I was able search for the post about Christmas Eve 2015 and I had a little bit of a giggle to see that Christmas Eve 2016 followed a very…
The Side Affects of Parenting*
Today the school holidays started, hooray! Nineteen days of full time parenting my four year old including Christmas, which should also be known as “national hyperactive child day“. In fact the whole week leading up to the big day is just crazy, I remember my mum actually losing her voice during Christmas when I was a kid due to constantly shouting at my sister and I! Yes being a parent is wonderful and rewarding, I feel blessed every single day, but there is no denying that it’s hard work! Especially at this time of year. Next month Little Miss turns 5. It feels so much bigger than 4. I have…
5 Festive Things to Do With Your Child in the North East*
Hands up who put their tree up this weekend? I know we did! After a trip to town and seeing the decorations along with some trees in the windows of houses, Little Miss convinced me that we needed to put ours up. So with an order of pizza we spent Saturday night watching The Enchanted Christmas & Once Upon a Christmas and really decking the halls. Although I have to admit I feel less Christmassy each year until it gets closer to the day, it has helped lift my spirits a bit and the sitting room feels so cosy with all the lights on and the gingerbread candles burning. Now…
On Being a “Bad Mum”
Last night when I couldn’t sleep (still struggling with jetlag) I watched the movies Bad Moms. I’m not going to review the movie but I did enjoy it as it was my sense of humour, it was definitely much better than I thought. What I’m going to talk about is what I was thinking about while watching, the fact that I’m really not a perfect mum, and I’m sure in many instances, I’m a bad mum. Nowadays there is so much pressure on being this perfect mum that it makes it harder than ever to feel like you’re doing a good job in raising your children. Every day at some…
A Letter to my Daughter on her First Day at School
Congratulations! Today is your day! You’re off to great places! You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. – Oh The Places You’ll Go, Dr Seuss When you were born this day seemed so far in the future it didn’t worry me. You were my baby. I could hold you and cuddle you and raise you completely on my own. But yet here we are, four years in the future and I helped you put on your school uniform this morning for the first time. The first day of the next 12 years. I…
What Little Miss Read July & August (and a Giveaway!)
So, the summer holidays are over already, can you believe it? I can’t. It just seems like 5 minutes since they started. We actually had a fairly busy summer, lots of quality time together which I’m so thankful for. Little Miss is still enjoying a story before bed (most nights) so we have some new books that we read over the summer to share with you all this instalment of What Little Miss Read. Pom Pom is Super by Sophy Henn* Everyone’s favourite little panda is back with his third story, Pom Pom is Super. Although this is the first Pom Pom book we have ever come across I’m fairly…