We Have Something To Tell You….
Little Miss & I have something to tell you all. I’m sure most of you can guess from the above photo if you don’t know already but I have had to keep it quiet for what feels like forever. Now I can finally share with all my loyal readers, not only a cute photo of my daughter (because I’m feeling rebellious after the day past week I’ve had) but some incredibly exciting news for us;
Disneyland Paris, that is (although I look forward to the day I can announce I’m going back to my homeland of Disney World..) ANYWAY, yes. I have had a holiday booked for Little Miss, my mum & I to Disneyland Paris since December now. My grandparents were incredibly generous at Christmas an I put the lot towards taking Little Miss for her first Disney experience, the lucky duck is going seven years earlier than I ever did! My mum decided she was coming along too, but I’m pretty sure we’re already driving her up the way with talking about it constantly! It will have been 12 years to the week since I last stepped into a Disney park so to say I’m excited is an understatement but the surprising thing is that Little Miss is excited. She talks abut it non stop and goes crazy when she sees the castle on the TV. I’m so proud of her.
We’re going next month for five days, three full days in the parks and two traveling which is more than enough for a little two year old. We’re flying (eek!) as it’s the quickest and easiest way since it would be a long way to get to London before even going on the Eurostar. I’m fairly sure Little Miss will be fine. She loves going on the bus and train, especially when she has her own seat, which she of course will have.
We’re staying in the Hotel Cheyenne, which is one of the low budget Disney hotels. I had originally looked at on of the more expensive ones when I was planning on going with Little Miss myself, but I couldn’t expect my mum to pay more when she’s already off to Greece for two weeks with my dad this year. I stayed here when I came with the school years ago and all I remember is that the beds were really comfortable and it had a cool outdoor play park. I’ve heard some not so great stories about this place, so I’m not expecting it to be the best of the best, but at the end of the day, it’s a place purely to rest our heads.
I’ve already been attacking the planning with military precision, just as my dad used to when we went to Disney as kids so I’ve been reading up on the place and making notes. I’ve also booked a character dining experience at Cafe Mickey because it’s not a Disney holiday without one! I’ve got lists of places that do food Little Miss will eat, I’ve researched prices so I know how much to take for food and still have plenty to spoil ourselves rotten. I have a list of rides and attractions that we can all go on and I’ve got my daughter well informed that mummy DESPERATELY wants to meet Peter Pan since I never met him as a child. My mum wants her photo taken with Pluto and Little Miss changes her mind who she wants to see every day!
I wanted to share this exciting news so much sooner but I also wanted to make sure that it was fully paid off and all the documentation had arrived. However everything is sorted apart from a little more spending money to be saved, the count down is officially on and I’ve probably got a whole host of possible blog topics I could write about holidaying with a toddler before we even go. But at the moment, this is all I have to share. Everyone can go back about their day now!

Hayley Warren
I’m so excited for you! I can’t wait to hear all about it! 🙂 xx
Kariss Ainsworth
I could just eat you both up!
Natasha Hill
This is so exciting! I would love to go to Disneyland Paris, always been a dream of mine. Love the very cute photos and hope you have a wonderful time – Tasha xxx
Ellie Caldwell
EEEK so excited for you! I’m planning a WDW trip this september with my parents, my boyfriend and our (will be) 18 month old!!!
I love Disney so much. I hope you have an amazing time!
Emma Bradford
AAAAAAAH this is so exciting. I can’t wait to read all about it when it’s happened as i’d LOVE to take Millie when she’s 2/3 too as we’re saving DWF for when she’s old enough to remember it properly! 😀 Aaaaahh!
New Girl in Toon
Amazing 😀 You are going to have the best time! I’ve stayed at Cheyenne a few times and there’s nothing wrong with it so you’ll be good .. I think when you’re at Disney you’re so tired anyway you just crash when you get back to the room.
Chloe x
Leona of Oh! Leona.
THIS IS SO AWESOME. I am so excited for you!!
Kirsty M
Amy you are soooooo bloody sweet! I’m honestly so excited for you; I know how much this means to you. LM will have a bloody excellent time and you both deserve it! xx
I’m so excited for you Amy, and more than a little jealous! xx
What a wonderful experience for you both! It’s good to have something to look forward to. Loving the pictures of you both with your Minnie ears!
Catherine Delves
Aww I hope you all have an amazing time! I’m so jealous haha 🙂
Catherine xxx
im hopefully going next year with my godchildren – let us know what the hotel is like , exciting! http://thewanderlusthasgotme.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/fun-times-in-vegas.html
Aw how exciting! That is going to be amazing 😀 I hope you have a fab time and can’t wait to see the posts about it when you come back 😉
I too am looking for a cheap deal to Paris next month for my birthday! I seem to be spending hours searching for hotels and flights and not really getting anywhere cos I’m not prepared to pay the price! I only went to Disneyland, Florida last year, so gotta keep it cheap this year! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! x
Kloe Anya.
First of all how adorable does little miss look! Secondly I’m super super jealous! We’re hoping to go back in November I hope we make it, I’m so pleased you’re getting to take her! I can’t wait to read all about it! 🙂
Kloe xx
This is so exciting! I’m going with my mum and sister in May to celebrate/commiserate my looming 30th birthday and (as you can see) when I see someone else post about it I can’t hide my excitement! I stayed in Hotel Cheyenne a couple of years ago and it’s great! I love the western theme and it offers everything you need in a Disney hotel. You sometimes see the characters dressed in cowboy gear hanging about the entrance. Hope you have an amazing time
Jen x
Aww this is so exciting! Hope you both have an AMAZING time. We were there when I was about eleven, and apart from the fact that it was wet and I had a throat infection, it was brilliant.
http://rainydaycupcake93.blogspot.ie/ xx