Hello Five!
On Saturday Little Miss turned five! I’m not sure why but five seems a lot older than four! Maybe it’s because she’s at school now, or has almost lost her third tooth, or just the fact she really is no longer a baby. She is starting to read and write and is completely independent as far as dressing and undressing herself, brushing her hair, teeth and feeding herself. She really is a big girl now. Unlike last year I didn’t find done to do a pre-birthday photo shoot and put together a post because she was at school and then in the evening I had a cake and balloon disaster that made me feel like an under qualified mother. But thankfully Saturday went down without a hitch and she had a really lovely day. I definitely like her not being at school on her birthday and I’m so glad I have another non-school day next year before we get into those rushed mornings I remember from my own childhood!
We didn’t wake until 8:45am which is a nice lie in for a Saturday, she’s currently sleeping in my bed while we wait for her bed to be delivered on Wednesday so it was incredibly nice to wake up together and have a cuddle before heading downstairs. She only really had my presents to open as the rest were at my parents. As she went to Disneyland Paris last week and for that I’d bought her a Kiddizoom Duo camera in the sales, the bulk of her presents were clothes, books and a few dolls I’d picked up from Walt Disney World in October and Disneyland Paris last week. Her favourite gifts ended up being a pack of Pokemon figures I got off eBay and a My Fairy Door that was £1 in Home Bargains. It truly is the little things with kids.
She had a bath while I did housework (it’s still a normal day for mummys after all) then I fixed her cake. We had a table booked at a local restaurant for 1pm so my parents arrived at 12:45 to pick us up. At the restaurant we met up with my sister and nephew who were joining us for dinner. It was really nice, we seem to go to the same place to eat for all our family celebrations because they have an ice cream toppings bar. LM had a burger for the first time along with mash & peas. Pretty good going for a five year old! My sister also gave her some gifts from my nephew. More Pokemon and she was thrilled.
After lunch we headed down to my parents house to spend the rest of the afternoon and she opened the rest of her cards and gifts. My parents had bought her a new bike which she was over joyed with! The great thing about LM having a January birthday is the sales. Her bike had a doll seat and handle bar tassels as it was reduced to half price after Christmas. I doubt it would be as fancy if they hadn’t have bought it in the sales. She also got an Orchard game (joys of having a parent who is a teacher), sweets, Disney Lego and The Jolly Postman book as the Christmas version had been such a huge hit in her Christmas eve box! My sister bought her a Tsum Tsum carry case and my sister’s friend also gave her a gift which was really sweet. As usual LM was so appreciative of everything.
About 5ish my mum put together a tea party. We had balloons and party hats and LM blew out the candles on her cake. This year she asked for a Peter Pan cake which is why her whole birthday was Peter Pan themed. It was just a simple chocolate cake filled with caramel to keep it moist and covered in chocolate buttercream. I ordered the boat design sugar paper from eBay and topped with her Peter Pan characters. It ended up being a huge hit despite being so simple. My camera malfunctioned during her blowing out the candles which is why there was no photos. But her wish was that she wanted all her friends to be at the party so they could all have cake. It broke my heart as all her friends live elsewhere, mainly in Florida and we won’t be seeing them this year. It’s always special to know she never forgets.
After tea we all sat and watched The Little Mermaid followed by The Good Dinosaur before heading home for 7pm.
Throughout the day we received so many wishes, videos and collages from various people which was amazing and so special. At bedtime I sat and read them all to her and her face was a picture. She’s so blessed to be loved by so many. I was definitely emotional, not only were people saying such wonderful things about my little girl, but about me and how I’m raising her. I always struggle doing her birthday alone but the support I received on Saturday meant everything. When people recognise how you’re raising your child in a positive way it really makes this single parent life easier.
Although I had been worrying her day wouldn’t be as magical as being in Disneyland Paris last week, it looks like she really did have a great day. Time for mummy to knuckle down and work hard so she can have more adventures now that she’s five. But first, that Peter Pan bedroom!

Georgina Goodman
it sounds like you made her birthday wonderful! You are a great mum and I just love LM shes too cute!
Laura (@laurabeth_xo)
she looks like shes had a wonderful birthday! well done you working so hard to bring so much disney magic into her life 🙂 hope you have a magical 5th year with your baby girl! xx