5 Unique Experiences to Make Your Kid’s Party Special*
Little Miss has now reached the age where she is starting to want a birthday party. She has her own friends, she gets invited to the odd party and the idea of being the centre of attention for the whole day appeals to her. I’m still on the fence. I’m not the social butterfly she is and I have that horrible ache in my stomach that no one would come like you read in those sad stories that pop up on Facebook. Of course it’s completely natural for her to no longer be content with a trip to Mcdonalds and a birthday cake in my parents kitchen, I don’t blame…
Hello Five!
On Saturday Little Miss turned five! I’m not sure why but five seems a lot older than four! Maybe it’s because she’s at school now, or has almost lost her third tooth, or just the fact she really is no longer a baby. She is starting to read and write and is completely independent as far as dressing and undressing herself, brushing her hair, teeth and feeding herself. She really is a big girl now. Unlike last year I didn’t find done to do a pre-birthday photo shoot and put together a post because she was at school and then in the evening I had a cake and balloon disaster…