• Life

    Mother’s Day 2017

    Today in the UK is Mothering Sunday. It changes each year depending on when Easter falls (which I know is different to the US) sometimes it even falls on my birthday! This is my 6th Mother’s Day as a parent and my mum’s 29th as a parent (as I was born a day after Mother’s day oops). I do love being a mum and sharing the day with my own mum, it feels great to get the family together and this year we all went out for lunch before heading back to my parents. Being a single mother means I don’t get a lie in, I don’t get breakfast in…

  • Parenting

    On Being a “Bad Mum”

    Last night when I couldn’t sleep (still struggling with jetlag) I watched the movies Bad Moms. I’m not going to review the movie but I did enjoy it as it was my sense of humour, it was definitely much better than I thought. What I’m going to talk about is what I was thinking about while watching, the fact that I’m really not a perfect mum, and I’m sure in many instances, I’m a bad mum. Nowadays there is so much pressure on being this perfect mum that it makes it harder than ever to feel like you’re doing a good job in raising your children. Every day at some…

  • Parenting

    My Worries as a Mother for my Daughter’s Future*

    I’m a natural born worrier, it’s no wonder I suffer from anxiety and insomnia because I literally worry about every single thing. I’m also a pessimist and I’m always focusing on the worst case scenario. This has definitely gradually got worse since I became a mother. Every year as Little Miss gets older I have a new set of worries to consider and being on my own makes it feel like I have the whole weight of the world on my shoulders because I have no one to reassure me my worries are unfounded when I’m lying awake in the middle of the night. I do understand that every parent…

  • Life,  Parenting

    Our Summer Bucket List*

    Today is the first day of the six weeks summer holidays. I have been both dreading and feeling incredibly excited about this holiday. It’s LM’s first time ever being off for the whole lot since the past two years we’ve paid for her to attend pre-school but now because she’s on funding she doesn’t get anything towards her time there. The first two weeks are especially daunting because my parents are out of the country and I rely on my mum a lot, even just for adult company. So, to keep us going I’ve put together a bucket list for the summer with things we can do together (not including…

  • Parenting

    Collecting Tsum Tsums*

    Little Miss is now at the age where she’s starting to notice and take interest in the latest crazes. Especially if they’re Disney related. If you’re a Disney fan you’ll know all too well about Tsum Tsums.. Little Disney inspired Japanese created bean toys. Yes, it’s the new version of the Beanie Babies craze.. something I know all too well having had a ridiculous amount of both TY and Disney beanies. They have been out in Japan for a while, then they spread to the States and now they’re here. They’re available in both Clintons and The Disney Store, £3 for the small ones, £10 for the medium and £20…

  • Life

    Tips for Saving Money Part 2 – Adapting your Lifestyle*

    Yesterday I posted the first in this two part series about saving money, that was about ways around the home to save money, today I’m looking at changes you can make to your lifestyle to save money. Yes, this isn’t for everyone.. at the end of the day it’s all about taking a good look at what you’d prefer to get out of life. For me the most important thing at the moment is taking my daughter on wonderful adventures, that’s my priority. If yours is going out partying every Saturday night, you won’t be able to manage to save for a Florida holiday if you’re on a low income,…