The Benefits of the Duke of Edinburgh Award*
Anyone remember that Inbetween’s episode about the Duke of Edinburgh Award? I do vividly because I remember laughing out loud as it brought back memories of my own DoEA experience. I only ever did the bronze but it was an achievement in itself for this flute playing drama geek! But it was a lot of fun! I remember doing a residence trip in the Lake District and learning to canoe!
If your child is interested in doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award, it’s worth exploring the pros and cons to help you decide if it’s a good option for them. There are many benefits for students taking part in the award which are explored below. In fact, St Catherine’s School explain DofE as a ‘chance to learn new skills and gain more self-confidence’.
There are three levels of the Duke of Edinburgh Award; Bronze, Silver and Gold. Bronze is typically available in Year 10 and Silver and Gold are available to Sixth Formers. Essentially, DofE allows students to do and explore new things, while also refining skills they already have. They are taken out of their comfort zone in many ways, resulting in improved confidence and resilience. What’s more, your child will develop skills that will help them throughout their future career as well as within their social groups.
A huge benefit of the Duke of Edinburgh Award is that it opens up a lot of doors for your child in terms of their future education and even their career. Most universities and employers have high regard for the award because it shows tenacity and perseverance. Generally speaking, extra-curricular activities are fantastic for demonstrating a variety of skills that can be used throughout life.
DofE will allow your child to make a difference within the community, because it requires volunteer work. The necessary sporting activities will help them become fitter and healthier. What’s more, they will meet new people and make new friends. Most importantly, by taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh award, your child will have a wonderful time and be left with lifelong memories.