5 Reasons You Might Consider Getting Your Tattoo Removed*
I didn’t get my first (and currently only) tattoo until I was 27. Despite my intense fear of needles, I had wanted one for years, however I just didn’t know what to get. Eventually I decided and I’ve never looked back. I love what it is and it’s placement but that’s not always the same for everyone. A lot of people get tattoos only for a few years down the line, decide they don’t want them any more, thankfully there are places that are able to help out with this.
So what are some reasons people might consider getting their tattoo covered up or removed completely;
It Doesn’t Look Good Any More
I actually know a few people who have had removals or cover ups for this very reason, and they’re all mothers. When you’re young, and child free, a tattoo on your hip or around your belly button looks awesome, but if down the line you end up having a child there is a very high chance this won’t look as good after growing a baby for 9 months. Your skin does stretch no matter how much cocoa butter you use, and after your baby is here your skin probably won’t spring back, and even if it does, you tattoo won’t ever look the same again. Although some tattoo artists can do an amazing cover up job, this doesn’t usually work as well on stretched skin so a mother may opt to have the tattoo completely removed.
It Was a Mistake
A lot of people see a tattoo as a right of passage when they’re young. They pick something random just to say they have one and even as soon as a few months later, they regret it. This is a reason I’m so glad I waited and got something I did really want. Once people reach the age where they have the money to get a tattoo removed, a lot of them do. You don’t always need to be the guy with Tweetie Bird tattooed on his right shoulder, you can rectify this!
It Isn’t How You Pictured It
Again, this happens to a lot of inexperienced people when it comes to tattoos. They go somewhere cheap and they don’t do their research, then they end up with a mediocre job. You’ll know what I mean if you’ve ever watched those tattoo cover up shows. Some people even go as far as to let their friends practice on them and they’re too polite to say they don’t like it. It’s a valid reason for wanting to get it a removed as you get older.
It Doesn’t Mean Anything Any More
At 18 getting your high school sweetheart’s name tattooed on your arm seems like a good idea, but there is a high chance by 30 you won’t be together and then you’re stuck with a name of someone who you aren’t even with any more on your body. This is one of the more popular reasons people get tattoos removed, they no longer hold any meaning to their lives so they don’t want a daily reminded of it on their body.
You Just Don’t Want a Tattoo
Yes, that can be a real reason why people have their tattoos removed, they just don’t want them any more. People change and maybe when you were young you like the idea of being covered in tattoos, but now, 10-15 years down the line, that just isn’t you any more and that’s okay.
Tattoo removal is becoming a very affordable cosmetic process these days and if it’s something you want to go ahead with to make yourself feel good, then you should. The video below shows you just how affective it can be!