WIN 1 of 50 Baileys Chocolate Twists Boxes*
It’s Christmas, and Christmas is the time of seasons eatings, right? Nothing better than sitting curled up on your sofa, festive candles burning and you watch Christmas movie after Christmas movie with a selection of edible goodies piled up in front of you. And I have to admit that a nice box of chocolates is one of my favourite Christmas treats to indulge in! Have you been stocking up? If not, no worries, Wow Free Stuff are giving you the chance to win 1 of 50 Baileys Chocolate Twist boxes! To enter, simply click here and follow the instructions. It’s as easy as that. I bet they go delicious with…
Goodwill Excel Center- Student’s Favorite Campus*
Excel center is popular among students of adult age as it encourages adults who had to drop their education at high school level for many reasons to continue their studies. Adults get an opportunity to earn a high school diploma free of cost. Thus they stand a chance to earn college credits and many other certifications. Here the students have the advantage of learning at their pace and completing their academic requirements throughout the year in a balanced way along with their work schedule. Credit The Reasons to Consider Goodwill Excel Centers The Teachers: The teachers in the excel centers are dedicated and supportive to all students and help…
5 Things to Think About When Going Self Employed*
I’m the first to put my hands up and say that going self employed was one of the best things I did in regards to being a mother. I always put LM first and having a flexible job means I don’t have to think twice about it. There is only one instance where I missed out a great networking opportunity because I had something on at school, I felt sad but I knew I only started this so I could be there for everything, just like my own mother was. But I’ll also be the first to say, being self employed is the hardest job I’ve ever had. It’s not…
Coping With Emotional Trauma After A Traffic Accident*
The state of the psyche is often treated as an afterthought after surviving an accident. The physical pain, bruises, broken bones, and other injuries are a priority as they require immediate medical attention. However, not all scars are visible to the naked eye. Even the mildest traffic accident is a shock to our mental wellbeing. After all, how often does it happen that a couple of tons of moving metal hits you? After the physical injuries sustained, have been addressed, it should be remembered that ignoring the effects an accident has on a person mentally is a mistake with lasting consequences. Strong Feelings As we have mentioned, emotional and mental…
3 Things To Do Before Making an Expensive Purchase Online*
‘Tis the season to do a lot of shopping online, and some of that may be some rather expensive choice items as Christmas presents, or even for yourself (that’s what sale shopping is for, right?) Clicking “buy” on something that costs a lot of your hard earned cash can be daunting and perhaps you’re like me and worry you’re being ripped off, or worse. So here are 3 things to do before making that expensive purchase online; Credit Read The Reviews Before making any extravagant purchase anywhere, you should always read the reviews. We’re lucky that in this day and age you have millions of reviews at your fingertips. This…
5 Tips to Help With Saving For Christmas*
This is an advertisement feature that I had editorial control over. Since becoming a mother I have become so much more organised when it comes to Christmas. In the past I’d wander around the shops until I felt inspired by a gift for someone. Now I have spreadsheets and lists and I spend ages pouring over the catalogues to get a good idea what to get. Today I thought i’d share the ways I like to get ready for the big task of Christmas shopping on a low budget. Credit Make Lists I cannot emphasis this point enough. I no longer just buy and buy, I have a set list…