
Keeping Safe While Dating After Lockdown*

There is no denying that the world will be a changed place once this is all over. Although we all keep talking about when things go back to normal, we know deep down there is no old “normal” anymore, only a new normal that we’ll all be forging together. This new normal will touch every aspect of our lives. The way we work, shopping, leisure and of course, dating.

I can imagine once lockdown is lifted and leisure sanctions changed a lot of people will be looking towards their love lives. Especially if they’ve been on their own for weeks on end. There will be a lot more people ready to put themselves out there to find love, trust me I know. Being alone has really made me think over some life choices. It’s made me realise just how alone I am.

But just how safe is it going to be when it comes to dating after the lockdown? What if you want to start being intimate with someone new? Or especially if you’re into nostringsdating net? So here are a few ways you could think about staying safe before you sign up to that adult dating site;

Video Calling First

The first change could be that instead of meeting over coffee, you meet over video calling to get to know someone. Everyone seems to now have a device that offers this now. So if you can’t Facetime because you don’t have an apple device, you could have a Zoom conference. No one is saying you can’t have coffee. Make yourself a mug then settle down in front of your screen and just act exactly as you would if you were having coffee together in person. This way you can find out all about someone while keeping yourself safe. I can honestly see this becoming the new normal over the next few months at least.

Social Distancing Dates

Social distancing dates will be the norm for a while, especially while the government has restrictions in place meaning you must stay 2 meters from anyone who doesn’t live in your home. But hey that’s okay! Now we can go out for unlimited exercise and leisure meaning you could go for a walk, visit a park or even take a picnic as long as your brought all your own food!

Socialising History

In the past it’s fairly common for a couple to discuss their dating histories before getting intimate with each other. But with the rise of tracing the COVID-19 infection there is a chance it will be normal for a couple to discuss their Socialising history. Personally I’d be open to disclosing where I’d been, if I’d worn a face covering and who I’d been near to anyone before spending time with someone outside my home. I’d really hope that anyone I was seeing would be happy to do the same for me.

Just because we are currently living in an unsafe world, it doesn’t mean romance and hook ups are dead, you just need to make sure you take your own precautions and meet up with people at your own risk.




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