Why Metrics Matter in Blogging*
Back when I started my blog I did it purely for fun, as a creative outlet. I just typed up my post and shared it on social media. As time went on and I tried to figure out what I wanted to do when my maternity leave ended. I realised there was money to be made from blogging and social media but as my blog was new, I had to work at it before it would start being a source of income. After trying my hand at accountancy for a couple of years, I called it quits and decided a career in writing was the way to go. I loved social media, it was a great way to connect to like minded people during a time I felt so alone. And I liked writing about my own opinions and experiences. People wanted to pay me to do these things and for the past three years writing and social media have been my job. But you honestly wouldn’t believe how much the game has changed in that short amount of time.
Nowadays, metrics matter. And tracking the metrics of your blog and your social media is a vital part in going from writing for leisure and writing for a living. I’m not going to lie, it’s a confusing world out there and it’s daunting. Even now I’m learning something new every day. Thankfully there are resources out there like My Emma that can help you out with the marketing side of things. The more you know, the more professional you’re going to look.
As the game is constantly changing there will be some metrics you’ve never heard of and campaign monitor have put together this handy infographic to help you;
Tracking your metrics will give you an insight into what is popular and what your readership is enjoying. They help you market yourself as a brand which is how you’ll become successful in this competitive world. It can be time consuming but over time it’ll be worth it and you’ll always have a leg up on how you can improve. Digital marketing is the future and if you can crack it, it will give you a fantastic career. I know the hard work I put into understand metrics has helped me create a job that works around the life I want to have!